fabric counts
can i use different counts listed on design,can i use 18ct. And on lavendar and lace designs can i use 16ct on 32ct designs or not
Posted by: crodgers123 on 11/10/15
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Yes you can but the picture will be a lot smaller than the 11 X 17 than the regular material is asking for as the 28 equal the 14 I do 't know about the 16. Have fun
Posted by: miss crossstitc on 11/10/15
16 count can be the same size as 32 count. 32 count is done "over 2", which means two squares and 16 count is done "over 1" or 1 square.
The only problem is if the design asks you to do more delicate areas, like a face over 1 square in 32 count because then you would have to do half a square in aida 16 count amd that is nearly impossible.

As for 28 count, the 14 count is the same size, not smaller because of the same rule.

So, for reference:
From anything above 18 count, like 22 or 25 count,.there is no trandlation, as those are done over 1 and have no lower count that matches in size.
Posted by: Su Pitt on 11/11/15
I am doing this whole series and using aidia you should be fine...she doesn't have many 1/2 stitches and usually only a few in the face..the rest of the stitching on these is just cross stitch
Posted by: robertsgunshop5610 on 11/11/15