Need thread
I run out thread. How can I get it ? I need 16185, 6945 &15376.
Posted by: minaldoctor1990 on 05/01/16
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U can buy them from here. just go on top of site where it say customer service and get to cal the site and buy your floss. call the site and order your floss that you are missing. It will take only a few days to have them. Do not forget they will charge shipping and handling for them. Or U can call Dimensions and ask to get the missing floss for free.
Posted by: miss crossstitc on 05/01/16
This is a Dimensions cross stitch KIT. Therefore you will need to contact Dimensions to request additional floss. DMC floss colors are not used by Dimensions; they use their own floss colors, so only Dimension floss colors will match with the floss you need.
There have been some concerns expressed by other stitchers who ran "short" on floss with Dimension kits, but some stitchers have not had this problem.
I am NOT an employee of ECS, but one of the stitchers on this chat who saw your message.
Posted by: Bermuda on 05/01/16