Stitch count
What is the stitch count on this item? Another question, why do most items not include the stitch count in the description?
Posted by: dgrigoletti on 05/10/16
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When patterns or products get added to our website, we can only import the pieces of information that we have from the distributor that we get the design from. If certain items aren't included with the original information we get from them, it doesn't get imported onto the website. Majority of the time, stitch counts, fabric information and floss listings are pieces of information that we have to find elsewhere for the design and then add it separately. Since we are always adding new designs and have so many already on our website without sizing information and supply listings, I go back and try to add those vital pieces of information as quickly as I can. With the amount of designs we have, it takes me quite some time to get certain categories done. It's my work in progress :)

If you need information on a design because it's not listed, such as the stitch count or a supply list or a better description, just contact us either on here or via email and I will get it posted within the business day :)

I have added the sizing information and supply list for this design to our website so you should it all listed there now. Thank you :)

~Kristi @ ECS
Posted by: Kristi @ ECS on 05/10/16
Thank you Kristi!
Posted by: dgrigoletti on 05/11/16