complicated pattern
This is a rather complicated project. There are frequent color changes and some of the colors are so similar that it's easy to get lost on the pattern.
Posted by: margelambrou on 06/07/16
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If it is possible to make a copy of your pattern you can mark through the stitches as they are made. That will leave the symbols of those not worked visible. Don't get discouraged, I might also suggest working one square at a time too that might be an option. Hope this helps..
Posted by: mcleodjt on 06/07/16
Yes, I get lost too and that's why I do the marking bit:) It also doesn't help much if the color you're working on almost matches the color of the cloth!!! *glares at the smoky blue floss on the smoky blue fabric of her current project*

I also try to do just one square on the pattern at a time (10x10) but even then I make mistakes! Just gotta have patience, I guess.
Posted by: DancyFrog on 06/08/16