Birth record
This is taller than it is wide, could there be a error in the stitch count? I want to use 14ct Aida over 1, instead of the linen over 2.
Posted by: astitchintime on 10/10/16
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Darling pattern. Probably a typo. It happens once in a while. Using 14 ct aida will not make a difference. I'm sure that a correction will be made tomorrow.
Posted by: NANCYE G on 10/11/16

Yes, sorry that was my mistake. I must have switched up the numbers. Thank you for bringing it to my attention and I apologize for the error. It has been corrected. Thank you :)

~Kristi @ ECS
Posted by: Kristi @ ECS on 10/11/16
Thank you both, it really helped. I'm looking for a birth record pattern for my brother. The gov. lost his birth certificate and he's been trying for a long time to get that corrected. He finally was able to get one after getting his baptism certified by the church we were attending at the time of his birth which took some doing since both our parents are deceased. I finally remembered the town the church was in (I was only 12 when he was born) and he got it. Now that he has a birth certificate I thought it would be fun to make him a birth record and give it to him on his next birthday. He'll get a kick out of that.
Posted by: astitchintime on 10/11/16
I THINK it would be fun to make him a kiddy birthday party. You could have it at McDonalds or Burger King. You could play kiddy games. Silly gifts -- toy boat, whiffle ball, baseball cards, marbles, teddy bear, etc. Afterwards you could collect all the gifts and donate to Ronald Mcdonald House! That is assuming your brother has a sense of humor.
Posted by: NANCYE G on 10/11/16
I want to make him a "grown up" birth record because I want him to keep and display it.jI found one I really like, not the boat but one at ECS called Honeysuckle birth sampler. The McDonald's idea sounds good, but he lives in Michigan and I'm in Florida. Wish I could do it, I know he'd love it. He has a great sense of humor!
Posted by: astitchintime on 10/11/16