Want to order this pattern . See the floss checklist but don't understand the "FABRIC-any count"
Does the fabric come with the pattern and floss order, or do I order the fabric separately? If so how do I know what fabric and what size fabric to order???
Posted by: brporter1970 on 11/05/16
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The "fabric - any count" means that you can use any count fabric you would like, ie. 14-count, 16-count
22-count, etc. From looking at the information given it shows the finished pattern will be 12.29 inches wide x 7.71 inches high, which appears that 14-count fabric was used to get that size going over 1 square of fabric. The size all depends on how large or small you would like the finished pattern to be. Keep in mind that the higher the fabric count, ie. 28-count as compared to 16-count, the smaller your finished pattern will be. This is a PATTERN you would be purchasing; you would need to buy the fabric.
Whatever size you want your completed pattern to be, don't forget to add at least 2 inches (I prefer 3 inches) to each side when calculating your size of fabric for mounting and framing of your completed project. There is a handy "fabric calculator" you can use if you go to the "Cross Stitch Fabric" heading in the sub-menu to your left; calculator is at the bottom. If you "play" with the calculator adding different sizes into it, it will help give you an idea how large or small you'll project will be. Have fun!
I'm not an employee of Everything CrossStitch, but one of the cross stitchers that saw your question on this "chat" board.
Posted by: Bermuda on 11/05/16
Thanks so much! Ordered a 14 count 12"X 18". Hope that's correct!
Posted by: brporter1970 on 11/05/16