Flemish Summer Bouquet
Is there just a chart for this pattern? This is beautiful, but the kit is too pricey for me.
Posted by: quiltbee52 on 07/19/17
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Kristi from ECS will answer for ECS.
In my 66 years of cross stitching, I have found that designs are released either a kit alone (everything needed to stitch it), or as a chart alone (without anything else), or as both.
Perhaps kits become less popular and then just the chart is released. This site does a great job helping customers be able to buy at the same time as the design. I have a huge stash and love this hobby.
I am not an employee of ECS, just an old stitcher who saw your question. KRISTI....it's yours now!
Posted by: Su Pitt on 07/19/17

We only get this item as a manufactured kit from our distributor. I am not sure if the manufacturer, Riolis, sells this design as just a chart only?! You will more than likely have to contact Riolis via their website to see if you can just the chart for this design. Here is their website: www.riolis.com. Thank you :)

~Kristi @ ECS
Posted by: Kristi @ ECS on 07/20/17