sunshine sku 23848
I really like your patterns, but this one is offensive - the wording. I don't get it. Would like to see it removed from your listing.
Posted by: nanaoffenberger on 08/20/17
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I am not a fan of that F word myself, but am a big believer in free speech. There have been other patterns I don't care for, but would not ask to have them removed. Just pass over this pattern and go on looking at others.

We are having enough problems in this country right now with banning free speech and tearing down monuments that people are offended by. This country is starting to worry me.

Sorry I will get off my "soapbox " now.
Posted by: syagel on 08/20/17
If you were in a retail store and saw this would you insist the owner or manager take it off the shelf? I don't like it either. Wouldn't waste my time stitching it. Wouldn't spend money to frame it. Definitely wouldn't not want it on my wall. Maybe this is an issue we should turn over to the Cross Stitch Police.
Posted by: NANCYE G on 08/20/17
I agree with syagel. I personally don't find it offensive. I believe it has a time and a place, and more importantly, we have free speech and enough to worry about in this country...oh and there are thousands of patterns and kits here to look at and spend time on, many other things to focus on.
Posted by: noah on 08/20/17
Everyone is offended by something. If you don't like it pass it by. Get a life.
Posted by: Sunshine on 08/20/17
There are lots of this type on etsy. I wonder who would like them, but the day we can dictate what can or can't be sold would be a very sad day indeed. If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.

Posted by: MaryJoDenmark on 08/20/17
People have died protecting this country's freedom of speech. I don't care for the word but I will protect a person's right to say it and the right to print it (freedom of the press). It's up to each individual to decide if he/she wants to empower any particular word to have negative
connotations attached to it.
Posted by: Bermuda on 08/20/17
This is offensive. I visit this cross stitch sites to be uplifted, not exposed to sordid items. I vote it be removed.
Posted by: Cory on 08/20/17
If you like the pattern, buy the pattern, just leave off the "F word". Problem solved.
Posted by: jaba on 08/20/17
Cory -- are you voting that the product be removed or this chat thread? There are other items on this site using the same word.
NANA -- if you have an issue with a specific product you really should contact Everything Cross Stitch directly.
Once again. PERSONALLY -- I would definitely not purchase this item nor would I want it in my home. I will even go as far as to say that if someone asked me to purchase it for them I would not do it.
Posted by: NANCYE G on 08/20/17
This is certainly not something that I would ever purchase, but I'm not a fan of anyone telling someone what they should, or should not sell, and I would never be so presumptuous as to ask to have it removed.
If someone wants to complain about an item, have at it, it's your absolute right to do so, but to ask to have it removed, crosses the line.
Just my two cents.
Posted by: Jaj on 08/20/17