Sullivan's Thread
If I use Sullivan's Thread instead of DMC would I be making a mistake?
Posted by: katyeholman1975 on 09/04/17
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Is Sullivan's floss colorfast?
Do you have a conversion table to convert DMC floss colors to Sullivan's floss colors?
These are two questions I would ask myself.
Even if Sullivan floss is NOT colorfast, you could probably work around this by soaking the floss overnight to remove the extra dye in the floss.
You might notice a difference in the floss colors between Sullivan floss and DMC floss, meaning they might not be an exact color match but if you are ok with that, then why not use the Sullivan's floss.
And as far as I am personally considered, there is NO such thing as a mistake, only the changes made by YOU, as the stitch artist, in rendering your project as YOU like and the way YOU want to do it! I, like many other stitchers, have changed out suggested fabrics counts, suggested fabric colors, suggested flosses (DMC, Anchor, Sullivan's, Specialty flosses), suggested 'ornaments, suggested frames to what we decide. I did a project chart I really liked from the TWO floss colors suggested in the pattern to 6 different floss colors AND changed the fabric stitch-count and fabric color to what I wanted and it came out beautiful.
So do YOUR thing and makes it yours!! :)

Posted by: Bermuda on 09/04/17
Hi katy - I am assuming the pattern calls for DMC threads so before I would switch to Sullivan's I would do like Bermuda says - look at the conversion chart between the two colors and if they are close go for it but they could be quite a bit different in shades that could ruin the project. You wouldn't want a pink cardinal when they are calling for a vibrant red one. Just take a few minutes and check the color conversions before you decide.
Posted by: clpatt123 on 09/04/17
Also, isn't Sullivan's much more expensive than DMC?
Posted by: luvtoxstitch on 09/04/17
Great point, clplatt. I love cardinals but this looks like an all over. Don't think that I have it in me. I'll take a photo when my couple comes to the bird feeder next Spring. :)

Have fun, katy.
Posted by: Texas Stitcher on 09/04/17
Hi, I too wanted to switch to Sullivan's threads because they are a made in the USA product and I like to support home grown business. However, I have not done so as I have stuck to DMC (although it seems to knot a lot) but old habits die hard!
Posted by: ladyj117 on 09/05/17