I have been cross stitching for 30 years -- all projects were on 14 count aida except one. That was a 16 count aida and I found that it was do-able.

In the bottom of my stash I found a couple pieces of even-weave. all these years I found a couple pieces of even-weave. Didn't know that I had it. Must have been in a box of stuff that I was given. Always thought that even weave was a linen Fabric so I ignored all postings that mentioned it.

I'm thinking that I might try evenweave on my next project. it kind of looks like aida ; would the stitching on aida be the same? Obviously, I would grid the fabric.

Maybe you can teach an old stitcher new tricks.

Posted by: NANCYE G on 11/23/17
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Evenweaves are like aida if that is what you are asking.
Some evenweaves are in a higher count. Good examples of evenweaves are 28-count Jobelan or Lugana.
If you have been doing 14-count Aida and going ‘over one’ square of fabric, then by going ‘over 2’ squares on 28-count Jobelan or Lugana EVENWEAVE fabric it will give you the same size finished pattern size. The same as going ‘over one’ on 16-count aida is the same as going
‘Over 2’ on 32-count fabric.
I do almost all my stitching on 25, 28, or 32 count fabric. I love the evenweaves for 2 reasons:
1) the horizontal and vertical strands that make up the evenweave fabrics are the SAME size, therefore all my X’s are the same height and same width.
2) I like a smooth, nub-less fabric that because of its
higher fabric count has a finer background look to the
Part of the fabric NOT stitched that is seen when the project is framed. In a nutshell, you can hardly see the fabric ‘holes’: put a piece of 14-count fabic next to the evenweave you found, you’ll see what I mean,
If you want to practice going ‘over two’ on the pieces of even weave you found in your stash, it’s easy. If you have
Stitched ‘over one’ on 14-count you are bringing your needle up from lower Left corner of the square then going diagonally down into the upper right hole of the square, right?
Well, on an evenweave I would bring my needle and thread up in the lower left corner of the square, then still going Diagonally, I would go PAST the upper Right hole still going Diagonallyand go down in the upper right corner of the next square.
If this sounds confusing to you, go to the ‘scarletquince.com’ website and go to the ‘solutions’ heading, then look at Tutorials. There should be a sub-menu on the left side of the screen where there is a heading ‘over one versus over two’. That has a diagram of the two so you can see the difference. Possible even easier would be to try You-Tube and type in ‘stitching over one square versus stitching over two squares.’
A word of warning 😃: even going ‘over 2’ on the higher count evenweave fabrics will need for you to have lighted magnification to see the squares of fabric. I am currently going ‘over 2’ on 25-count Lugana fabric (which would be the same as going ‘over 1’ on 12.5 aida (half of 25 = 12.5) though I don’t believe there is such a thing as 12.5 aida.
I suggest you Practice on your evenweave until you get comfortable going ‘over two’, ( it took me about an hour of practice to get comfortable with it), then tackle a small project to see if you like it. Hope this helps! 😃

Posted by: Bermuda on 11/23/17
Thanks for the lesson Bermuda. Doesn't sound like it will be much of a challenge.
Posted by: NANCYE G on 11/23/17
You’ve been stitching longer than I have and if I can do it, anyone can...
Posted by: Bermuda on 11/23/17
I particularly like the Lugana, Discovered years ago that my wrists and fingers don't get sore on softer fabrics. Tried a small kit on Aida recently and it absolutely wore me out. And I like going over two so I use the 28-ct. And Lugana has nice colors.
Posted by: mcelhaney on 11/24/17
I agree, the Lugana’s softness and good choice of fabric colors sold me on using it for stitching. I also like the Jobelan for the same reasons, especially the 28- count Black.
Posted by: Bermuda on 11/24/17

The only reason I knew (or thought I knew) that I had a piece of even weave in my stash was because it had a label on it. Did not realize that Jobelan and Laguna are also considered even weave. DUH!!! What I had not done until recently was stitch on anything with more than a 14 count. In that same stash was a square of fabric that was 16 count and it was not a problem. I guess I was using AIDA as a generic term; like people frequently refer to tissue paper as Kleenex even if it is a different brand.

Something else, I learned that using brands like Wichelt are aeasier to work with than the brands that Joanns and Hobby Lobby sell. ANOTHER THING THAT I SHOULD KNOWN.
Posted by: NANCYE G on 11/24/17
We are all students in the art of cross stitching Nancye.
I am learning from all of you on the ‘chat’.
I looked at the Mandala Designs the other night and decided I met my match and NOT try to stitch one when I saw all the specialty threads needed and the variety of beads. Too rich for my blood.
I really do hope that GeckoRouge will change their mind about offering just patterns someday. There are two of their projects that cause me to drool...oops, where’s my bib and ‘drooly’ towel.....
Posted by: Bermuda on 11/25/17
Bermuda, what Gecko Rouge patterns are you dreaming about?
Posted by: noah on 11/25/17
The two Geckorouge patterns “Gateway” and “Morning Watch” by artist Trevor Smith. These two designs and their colors are absolutely beautiful (I think).
I sent an e-mail, approximately 3 weeks ago, to the Geckorouge owner asking if they would ever offer just patterns for their artwork and she was kind enough to respond back but the answer was ‘No’ they would not. I got the impression from her answer that they had some of their patterns ‘pirated’ when they offered charts at some earlier point in their business, so they’re changed it to a ‘kits only’ company.
Speaking of patterns, I’m hoping the ECS pattern I bought last week, ‘Cape May Gothic’ will be coming in the mail soon. Wait till my DH sees it! I consider the pattern a self-portrait of DH and myself! LOL!
Posted by: Bermuda on 11/25/17
Bermuda, those are both lovely pieces.
Posted by: noah on 11/25/17