loop method
This a shameless method to get someone to chat with me but a valid if simple question. Do any of you use the loop method to secure your first stitch? I like it because it makes the back of work look neater. When I first started I used the run the thread under several threads then I found the loop method. Again, I am being shameless. Peace.
Posted by: pamelastine11 on 12/12/17
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I use the loop method whenever I can.
Happy stitching!
Posted by: marym on 12/12/17
Are you new to our chat? Ifso, welcome! Ialso use it as much as I can. Right now I am working on a rather large piece, the majority of which is blended threads - so no loops! What are you working on? Linda
Posted by: lkgraham on 12/12/17
Yes, I am fairly new. I was so excited when I found this site. I just retired from working with special ed kids. My husband had a stroke awhile back and still has mini strokes so I wanted to be home . I do miss being around kids and teachers . I am cross stitching again and will never stop again. I can get engrossed in the pattern so for me it is therapeutic. I am working on a large sampler using only one color. The model showed it done on white but I am working on 14 count Carolina color parchment with DMC COLOR 666.
Posted by: pamelastine11 on 12/12/17
Not a shameless or silly question. I always use the loop method. There is no right or wrong way to do it. Also, you don't have to follow the designers' suggested cloth or floss. Use whatever appeals to you. I have stitched a purple cow, blue elephant, and a teal and orange turtle. I like making sure that my finished picture does not look exactly like someone else using the same pattern.
Posted by: NANCYE G on 12/12/17
Pamela...Pam? No need to think "shameless"...most of us have been there! :)
Your sampler sounds beautiful and your choice of red Is one of my favorites...I found the loop in here when I first struggled with my first coverall and I perceived the back as horrific...these kind women talked me down from the ledge and made it so much better...first aid for a returning stitcher that had been away a LONG time. :) I use it regularly now, along with other suggestions...who am I kidding? These kids improved just about everything about my stitching...except my stitch...SIGH...I mourn the stitch of my youth. :)
Posted by: VCESS on 12/12/17
I also use the loop method whenever I can. It makes the back so much tidier I think.
Posted by: deirdre on 12/12/17
Hi Pamela - welcome to our chat room. I have been here about 2 years now (have no idea where that time went to) and I can't begin to tell you how much I have learned from these great stitchers. About 1 1/2 years ago I decided to do my first cover all pattern (Lying in wait by Kustom kraft) and as soon as I began I became almost hysterical because I wasn't seeing what I thought I should see in the area where I was working. Well...these ladies talked me out of the tree tops and walked me through it. I also use the loop method (wish I could shake the hand of the inventor of this) and find it so much more user friendly than the older ways. I just received the fabric yesterday from ECS for my winter project (more than likely many winters) called The Sledding Race by Charting Creations. I still have to get all the threads and that will be fun. I am anxious to start it. Please stay and chat with us as we love new stitchers and chatters.
Posted by: clpatt123 on 12/12/17
I use the loop method like the others do. And like Nancye G., I ‘Mix it up’ sometimes ie, change the fabric count to make it larger or smaller, change the fabric COLOR that I think would look better, change floss colors if I think the
Pattern Needs some PIZZAZZ!!! some PUNCH!!!, some COLOR!!!!! (Check out the gray and black only of the
“Rede Sampler” by The Sisterhood),
Add Kreinik fillament floss that the pattern doesn’t have listed at all in the floss/symbol key AND
You come on the chat and talk to us, we’re out here, you don’t need to feel you are doing anything wrong wanting to chat!
🌈☀️😃 ( I was going to add a snowflake picture but
Thought that I would be a bit obtuse since I
Have a sun picture). :)
Posted by: Bermuda on 12/12/17
OK! Let's just chat. I have been here about 3 years. I shouldn't be here--I ought to be stitching! While I use the loop method, and did before chat, it was the freaking pin stitch that all chatters held my hands over. I just hated those single stitches, nowhere near any other stitches. That first pin stitches project came out well. I have never forgotten how to do it, either.
Posted by: Su Pitt on 12/12/17