I was so worried....
So last night I had to sew my son's snow pants because he and his friends are going tubing today. I tried using my sewing machine because the material is too think for a needle to go through. Had trouble with my sewing machine so went back to doing it by hand. I went looking for my pin cushion and just couldn't find it anywhere! I was searching high and low and it was nowhere to be found. Looked over to Hunter on the dog bed and he was chewing on it...pins and all. My heart skipped a beat as I raced toward him and grabbed it from him. I wasn't sure how many pins were stuck in there and was so afraid that he swallowed some. My husband inspected Hunter's mouth and there was no blood and he hadn't yelped like he was stuck with a pin. My husband was pretty convinced he didn't swallow any. I kept a sharp eye on him the rest of the night and even wanted him to sleep upstairs with us (which my DH said wasn't necessary). He said that if Hunter had swallowed any pins that we would have known immediately because he would have yelped or cried from being stuck by them. Both Hunter and Hazel have been getting stuff off the tables now. Got to put everything high! Last week it was the thread, this week a pin cushion...hate to think of what could be next! Puppy proofing the house...again!
PS - Wound up using the sewing machine, in the end, to fix snow pants but thank God I had to stop and look for that pincushion otherwise who knows what could have happened!
Posted by: ladyj117 on 03/15/18
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Even though he didn't yelp or cry its still possible he could have swallowed one.
Posted by: SaraDale on 03/15/18
Oh my, that is scary. I'm sure you're still keeping an eye on him. Good luck with that puppy proofing!
Hope the pants held up today too.
Posted by: lhogan57 on 03/15/18
Wow! That is scary. I had a friend who would saw on her machine, but would hold pins in her mouth. One day, for some reason, she thought she may have swallowed one or more. Anyhow, went to ER (husband not happy with her), had xray=no pin (thank goodness). But, that cured me of doing the same thing.
Posted by: pamelastine11 on 03/15/18
Wow! That is scary. I had a friend who would sew on her machine, but would hold pins in her mouth. One day, for some reason, she thought she may have swallowed one or more. Anyhow, went to ER (husband not happy with her), had xray=no pin (thank goodness). But, that cured me of doing the same thing.
Posted by: pamelastine11 on 03/15/18
When Mabel was puppy (stinker) she stole, and chewed a small Christmas ornament I was working on. I had the needle, and floss on it, and couldn’t find either one. I looked everywhere, moved all of the furniture, swept the floor, and even got my handy magnet, nothing. Made a trip to the emergency vet, he did a nose to tail X-ray, still nothing. Found the needle months later, bent and stuck between the floor boards. Hopefully they will out grow the stealing stage, Mabel did, unless it’s food.
Posted by: Jaj on 03/15/18
That is scary. My mom would do that too and my Grandmom come to think of it. I always worried they were going to swallow them too!
I hope they do grow out of it. Although yesterday Hazel got the TV remote. DH was not happy at all!
Posted by: ladyj117 on 03/16/18