Start point on fabric doesn't match the grid square.
I'm doing a very large project and decided to try gridding. (Phew it takes a long time). Here is my problem....I started the gridding center outwards, but the starting square doesn't match the graph. Page 8 is where the center of chart I follow what the graph says is where the starting point is...ex four to left of center and up 6...but my fabric square isn't like the graph square.??? I'm thinking of doing the square exactly as the chart says so that way my grids will keep me keep my place ....that's why I gridding right. As I said am new to gridding and having 32 pages of chart. Sorry if this is a stupid question but it took forever to grid and am anxious to finally start it. Thanks in advance
Posted by: prplvr01 on 03/21/18
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Not sure what the problem is and don't want to give bad advice. If your grid is all 10x10 squares and your pattern is 10x10 squares you should be good to go. I have done several gridded projects and had no problem. I have heard of 5x5 grids but never used them. Grid and pattern must be the same. Maybe check grid count. When you grid a project you should be able to start anywhere and even leave off and go to a completely different area.
Posted by: eagle1dw on 03/22/18
First! Check your grid count...line by line, vertical and horizontal. I've messed up my count before and correcting a grid is every bit as important in the center as an outer edge. Its too easy to correct something before it all goes south!
Second, make sure you are counting squares from the far left edge of your pattern...not the left edge of the page. Maybe you should do this bit first...that's probably what's off. Count from far bottom and top of the pattern, too.

Typically, I double check my count and finding center ALWAYS! And yes, I've screwed it up and not found it till I was stitching! I'm human, I screw up all the time! 😊 I'm not stupid, usually, just distracted...same as you. 😊
Posted by: VCESS on 03/22/18
No stupid questions. I hate gridding but use it all the time. You are right - Gridding helps me keep my place. I have not tried a 32 page chart and congratulate you for doing such a large project.
Can you tell us what pattern you are attempting (visualizing what you are looking at helps me)?
Can you be more specific about why your fabric square is not like the graph square? If you turn your fabric a quarter turn does it work (in other words, is the total finish project square or is one side longer than the other)?
What fabric are you using?
Posted by: xstitcher522 on 03/22/18
First thanks for replies. It was late when I posted and I will try to be clearer..the chart says my first stitch should be on column 3 row 2 but on my grid it is column 5 row 4. I doubled checked my grid as I was doing the grid (like I didn't do enough counting holes the first time!!!). So my grid doesn't match the chart. It is an Artecy piece. I decided since it was off jus a few my best approach was to just make the chart and my grid look the same as I had alot of wiggle room because I added 4 in he's on all sides for finishing and framing. I obviously made a mistake and don't want to repeat it when I do gridding again. I started the grid from the center..was that right? I want to make sure I grid right my next project is also Artecy and it more complicated with something like 70 different colors!! The piece is slightly rectangular but I marked the top so I wouldn't get confused because it is almost square.
Posted by: prplvr01 on 03/22/18
I'm still a little confused, I think. I always begin in the center of my fabric. checked your grid as you went. Did you count the number of vertical !Ines to center from the bottom and compare to the pattern? If you are still confused, go simple....lay the whole pattern out, check your numbers. Remember, the center of your fabric is not the same as the center of your pattern.
The first stitch, if starting in the center, should be the center stitch on the pattern matched to your grid...first stitch should be col 3, row 2...that's where you are centering your pattern onto your grid. I'm assuming you are talking columns and rows in your center square. 😊
Posted by: VCESS on 03/22/18
If I understand correctly, you found the center of your fabric and started gridding from there without noticing that the center of your chart was not at the intersection of grid lines shown on the chart. Is that correct? If so, I would absolutely adjust what you consider/use for the center of the chart so that the grid lines on your fabric match the grid lines on your chart. If it was me and I didn't do that adjustment, I would make an absolute mess of things as I would have to remember to add/subtract from the count on the chart to the count on the fabric. This will work as long as you have plenty of extra fabric as you indicated. To double check, I would mark out (using counting pins, needles, whatever you have handy) where you expect the outer row of your stitching to end up based on this adjustment. As long as you still have at least 3" of fabric beyond that end row, you should have sufficient for framing/finishing.
Posted by: NancyV on 03/22/18
I can't help you on your gridding, however, are you sure your center of the chart is on page 8? I am working on a chart that is 30 pages and my center is page 13. Page 8 just seems off to me. I only ask because if that isn't the center of your chart everything is going to be off.
Posted by: tspitz on 03/22/18
I find it easier to start in the top left corner of the pattern and work across the row. I begin my grid 3" in and go from there.
Posted by: lhogan57 on 03/22/18
Just to make sure, laying out the pattern in order would help...I think.
Posted by: VCESS on 03/22/18
If I didn't feel stupid before I do now......I know what happened....I got my rows and columns switched. So instead of going across I was going down and where I would go down I went across. Now all is fine!!!! Thanks again for all your help. Next time I think I will start with the top left area. I know alot of people do their stitching this way especially the larger ones. I have been stitching awhile but always started in center and never used grids because they were simple kits with 20 colors or so. Have a great day all....
Posted by: prplvr01 on 03/22/18