Beginners question
I am very "by the book" so this pattern is messing me up. The instructions specifically state that the pattern and the material will not be the same size/dimensions, but the centers of each will match... If the pattern is telling me to stitch 50, I stitch 50, but that leaves too much space at the bottom of my material. Afraid this will turn out horrible. Please help...
Posted by: jeverett on 02/21/14
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Sorry you are so frustrated...hope this will help. What you need to do is find the centre of the pattern. It is usually marked with little arrows in the border, one on top and one on the side. Follow them to where they meet and mark this square. I just circle it with a pencil. Then you need to find the centre of your fabric. Easiest way is to fold and crease crosswise and then repeat lengthwise. This I mark with a small basting stitch. Then you can start stitching in the center and just follow the pattern. The design will come out with an even border all the way around. Once you solve this the rest is easy !
Posted by: MissKitty on 02/21/14