To Deborah re Metallics
These threads are used a lot in Christmas graphs as well. You may use one strand of floss with one strand of metallic, or use two strands of metallic only. I prefer two strands of metallic thread. Graph directions will vary depending on where the metallic is used, but in this case, I prefer the metallics alone. I don't know if you noticed yet, but the required thread skein count is WAY off! I'm an experienced stitcher, and given that these eggs average 3" x 5" each, there is NO way we need 6 skeins of ANY thread color! A skein of the required colors will suffice. I hope this helps.
Posted by: Chirp on 03/18/14
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Thanks so much Chirp - your help is much appreciated.
Posted by: deborahjlewis on 03/19/14
You're quite welcome, Deborah. I just received my graph as well, and will be starting the eggs before long. I did "Eggs Ala Round", (simply stunning with all the metallics and beads!) and now I'm working on Mirabilia "Lady of the Flag." Then I'll do the Faberge Eggs. Have fun!
Posted by: Chirp on 03/19/14