I did it again.
Managed to find some poison ivy, not too bad this time, just a few spots on my ankles. You’d think I’d learn, but no. Based on where I’ve been in the yard, it could be anywhere, or everywhere. At least I didn’t get on my hands, like last year.
Posted by: Jaj on 06/21/18
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Or other areas. One year I got it on my waist, legs and upper forehead (from wiping the sweat off with my glove).
I looked like I had regressed to puberty and had acne.😡
Posted by: Bermuda on 06/21/18
I worked with a woman who got it in, shall we say, her nether region. She jogged in the Metro Park, and suffered from tiny bladder, stopped behind the wrong tree.
Posted by: Jaj on 06/21/18
Yes I don't go anywhere near ivy as it gives me very bad excema especially on my hands and takes forever to recover from.
Posted by: deirdre on 06/21/18
Can't even imagine what it was like for your friend. How horrible. I got it for first time last yr. Dr told me I'll continue to get now. I guess I had to grow into it.
Posted by: lhogan57 on 06/21/18
I had it once on those nether regions as well when I was around 8 or 9. We were visiting relatives in Conn. and spent the day at the ocean - on the way back to West Hartford the kids had to stop. Naturally I had to pick the worse spot to go. It was so bad, that for a number of years afterwards I would break out every spring and fall - pollinating season. But then it would only affect my face - it would swell to the point I could barely see. Finally, my folks decided to test me for allergies, but the doctor wanted to wait until after I broke out again otherwise it could have been deadly with such a severe reaction that I had been getting. Well, at that point I never broke out again. I have been exposed to poison ivy since and nothing. The doctor said I had such severe reactions that my body built up a natural immunity. I was lucky. Hope yours goes away without too much misery.
Posted by: jmirz on 06/21/18
I'm severly allergic to poison ivy. I don't have to even touch it, I can react to it from the air! Grew up in Texas and I was always covered in it. Now that I'm in Colorado, I haven't had it much. Doctors tried to tell me it doesn't grow here, due to the elevation...but some how I still managed to find it. :-)
Posted by: MarzHere on 06/21/18
Poison ivy is not my nemesis, its biting insects! I swear, if there's anything within a quarter mile radius that bites, it will find me! Most of these biters leave nasty welts! Of course, hubby has no bugs bugging or biting him!
Have a bug free weekend! Mary
Posted by: marym on 06/22/18
Where we are at, when the flies start to bite, we’ll get rain within 24-48 hours.
Posted by: Bermuda on 06/22/18
I'm going to have to pay attention to bites and rain, because that will be cool to know. I'm like Mary and the bugs bother me constantly. I have a hat with the netting and they hang right onto that net in front of my face. The dogs don't like me wearing it. ha
Posted by: lhogan57 on 06/22/18
I used Avon ‘Skin So Soft’ regular skin oil ( or lotion), doesn’t smell bad, keeps the insects away. It’s clear and oily like some of the suntan lotions. Tried it with the skin oil many years ago and seemed to work. Avon has an insect repellant they sell now, (besides the regular skin lotion and oil) but I’ve never tried that, just the skin lotion and oil.
Posted by: Bermuda on 06/22/18