I am trying to make a name with Elaborate Letters. I will use the Large Elaborate as the first letter and then use 5 of the small Elaborate. Can anyone give me an estimate on what size fabric to order? I will be using 14ct. thread. Thankyou
Posted by: isbell_v on 07/25/14
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THE 14 count thread is the material that you are going to stitch the name on it. You can just buy a remnant for AIDA cloth or buy a pack that all in white or off white. Good luck.
Posted by: miss crossstitc on 07/25/14
I was just wondering what are you going to do ? Maybe a tag. Is that so?
Posted by: miss crossstitc on 07/26/14
Do you recommend buying fabric from there? If so, what who should I buy from?
Posted by: isbell_v on 07/26/14
You need to count the stitches for the big letter, the 5 small letters, # of spaces before & after & between letters. Add 3" each fight side & left side for mounting. Adding all those & dividing it by 14 for the holes per inch of 14-ct Aida will give you the width of the cloth you need.

Example: All these stitch+space counts come up to 140. Divide by 14. You need 10" width of fabric. (It will be a much higher count, in reality)

Similar, for the height, is the stitch count top to bottom for the big letter, space above & below that letter, the 3" above & 3" below needed for mounting.

Spacing is a matter of taste, and graph paper to draw it all out can be helpful, if you're visual, or want a reminder od your decisions as you stitch away at this project.
Posted by: jlhewes on 07/26/14
According to the patterns, the large letter is 12" X12' and the smaller letters are 3X3. Any size approximate now? (math is not my forte) Thank you
Posted by: isbell_v on 07/26/14
You're going to have to graph it out, Isabel. Decide how much space between letters. 1" maybe. How much space showing around sides, top, bottom. Wait a bit, however, someone on this site may choose for you and give the fabric measurement.
Posted by: jlhewes on 07/26/14