Recommended Length of Time in Frame for Large Projects
I am working on huge project which at the rate I am going, will take about a year to finish...or longer. I am using a frame and I am wondering if that length of time will spoil the rolled up stitching. Should I remove the project regularly to relax the fibers? Anybody have suggestions? I remember reading long ago that hoops should be removed after each session. Does that apply to frames, also?
Posted by: shorterhorse on 08/27/14
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I don't know about scroll frames, but I work very large projects using a metal and plastic tension hoop. I never take my projects out of the hoops when not stitching even months at a time and have never had any problems leaving marks. I have been doing this for over 30 years. I know there are others here who do use the scroll frames and I know they will give you there results. Happy stitching.
Posted by: syagel on 08/27/14
I do the same. I leave mine in the hoop all the time. The only time I take it out is when I'm finished (besides moving it). I wash my project and iron and everything comes out looking great!

You find your niche and do it the way that it works best for you. These are our experiences.

Good Luck and Happy Stitching.
Posted by: jclifford on 08/27/14
I would not take my project off the frame, but rather just off the side bars. Since it's already attached to your scroll rods, you just undo the frame, take out the scroll rods ,roll your fabric around them and tuck it away somewhere where it won't get dirty or tangled. Then you can just put the frame back together when you are ready to start again. If you are just stopping for a short period of time, just loosen the tension on the fabric and leave the frame together in your stand or in a project bag.
Posted by: MissKitty on 08/27/14
I never take the frames apart unless I need the stretcher bars for another project, or am packing it in a suitcase for vacation.

If you're worried about flattening stitches, you can borrow my "bead as you go" trick. Cut 2 layers of paper towel the width of the fabric & roll it up with the stitched fabric.
Posted by: jlhewes on 08/27/14
Interesting. I recently came across an old catalog from "Mary Jane's Cross Stitch", she was located in IL. I don't know if she is still in business - I would order from her while overseas or in remote areas in the US. She published the nicest catalogs with several pages of instructions and fabric samples, etc. She stated that the hoop/frame should be removed even if you put your work down for only a couple of hours! My daughter is in trouble because she's had a Wentzler castle sampler in the frame for close to 25 years! LOL

She also said that she used a hoop when she first began to stitch but now stitches without the aid of hoop or frame. That's a huge consolation because much as I try I cannot stitch with hoop or frame.
She went on to say that she also judges. It was in her catalog that I learned about a clean back, so she must have turned out nice work without hoop/frame. Reminiscent of another stitcher we know!

What do you do when you use beads? Doesn't the hoop crush or flatten them? I need to learn stitching 400 because I want to do the Celtic Christmas and a mermaid. So far I am at the 101 level.
Posted by: Texas Stitcher on 08/27/14
I have a quick stupid question Texas Stitcher. What is a stitching 400? You said you are a 101. What is that? Must be some new terms. Thanks for setting and old (66) lady straight. LOL
Posted by: syagel on 08/27/14
Nah! It's an old joke from beginning college classes. Indicates you're entry level. Computers 101. Life 101.
Posted by: jlhewes on 08/27/14
I should of thought of that. I went to college. Guess my brain is on vacation. Thanks!
Posted by: syagel on 08/27/14
syagel, so sorry, I'm always in a hurry. I was referring to college level. I want to become more knowledgeable and proficient. I wish that I could live close to you and the other ladies to learn more. Couldn't respond sooner because too much is going on. Yesterday, dealership, errands, cleaners, returns, you know the deal. Today we have to pick up Olivia from school and then I have to wait for a technician to install that new DVD player (from 1 to 5) I really dislike these vague times they give. I heard that Olivia got up at 4AM , she no longer takes naps. So she'll be really hyper that will be a fun afternoon!
Posted by: Texas Stitcher on 08/29/14