About the pattern The Storm in the pattern book Historic Tallships Book 344
In the pattern there is 2 symbols p and# with the same color, is one of these a half stitch?
Posted by: frigger_nan on 09/18/14
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Usually two symbols indicate that you have to do two 1/4 stitches.

Two colors, i.e. 310 and 975 with one symbol means that the floss is blended - one strand of each color.

I've never heard of 2 symbols for the same color.

Miss Kitty and jlhewes any ideas?
Posted by: Texas Stitcher on 09/18/14
Yes, usually they mean Same color, different something. The instructions will explain somewhere buried in text. Could be one strand instead of two. Could be half cross instead of whole. Can't tell without seeing it.

Permin & others nicely do columns on the color list -- wholes have their own, halves in their own, back stitches in their own. Easier for me than digging thru text. I like samplers, but the text instructions are the one annoying thing.
Posted by: jlhewes on 09/19/14
Good point about "different something", never thought about that. Know what you mean about having to read the text.....
Posted by: Texas Stitcher on 09/19/14
I agree, likely a different stitch. In my current project, one symbol is for whole stitch, the second is for half stitch. I does explain this in the instructions. Good luck.
Posted by: MissKitty on 09/19/14
Two symbols same color one says use 1 strand of floss and work cross stitches and the other says use 1 strand of floss for cross stitch. Have done many cross stitch but haven't run into this problem and don't know what to do,can someone out there help me with this problem?
Posted by: frigger_nan on 09/19/14
Based on what you write, it's a typo. Check with the company for help. If they don't respond, take a magnifying glass to the model pic & see if you can tell what they did. I know this is frustrating. I'm just finishing a design with a wrong color in the leaflet. The designer wouldn' t answer & I had to pick my own color.
Posted by: jlhewes on 09/19/14
I was about to suggest the same as jlhewes. It is very frustrating. Looking at the picture sometimes helps answer those problems. If you can't get an answer from the company then I would go with what looks "right" to you.
Good luck.
Posted by: Texas Stitcher on 09/19/14