frustrated in postcard picture
I started this huge project a couple of years ago for my husband. Its quite beautiful it has an old sailing shio,train hot air balloons etc. My problem they are many mistakes I have tried to fix them but its hopeless. I really don't want to begin again. What is a solution to this please
Posted by: ladybugtrisha57 on 12/17/14
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Are the mistakes very noticeable? If not, you could just go ahead with it. Some might be fixable and others could possibly be camouflaged with additional stitches or backstitching. It could just be your secret. We all have a booboo or two in most of our projects. Remember - only God is perfect.
I often become discouraged and am tempted to just cut the whole thing up. I have done that in the past. When the stitches don't lay flat or seem uneven I become frustrated. Yet, when it's finished, laundered and pressed it looks so nice. I don't know if it's me or if other stitchers have noticed the same but a couple weeks of rest seems to improve the appearance.
Got my granddaughter and she wants to play her games on the computer. Gotta run. Good luck.
Posted by: Texas Stitcher on 12/17/14
Oh my goodness, I'm sure that it's only noticeable to you. Ask someone else if they notice anything (don't tell them what) and see what their thoughts are. I have some projects that have a lot of mistakes on it and to the non-stitchers, they will never know. I've also camouflaged some of them so well, it really doesn't matter.

I'm sure it will be fine. If you are still frustrated, put it aside for a little while, work on something else (your mind will stay on this project and figure out a way to fix it or come to terms that it will be ok as is) and then go back to it later. I put a project down for two years b'c I was so frustrated at it. After that, I took a little of it apart at a time and fixed it. It'll be ok.
Posted by: jclifford on 12/17/14
I agree with both of the other stitchers' great advice. We would not be human if we didn't make mistakes. I have a piece that hangs in my bedroom that had one stitching mistake so it looks like the person in it is leaning slightly--it is an outdoor quilt piece so it just looks like a windy day. I get loads of compliments on this piece and secretly laugh to myself now that I was considering redoing it, so another way to think of it is that this makes it uniquely yours. Correct what you can to the best of your ability and have someone else look at it like jclifford (great idea) suggested. Step away from it for a bit and you will figure out a way to work this out in your own mind to the best of your ability.
Posted by: lbcatlovr001 on 12/17/14
Are they errors in the pattern? This could be difficult with vehicles. I got way off the pattern in a design with cardinals & magnolias, but it's easier to fake flowers. I made up what the flower might look like until I could get back on the correct squares. Nasty situation for you!
Posted by: jlhewes on 12/17/14
some x teacher said " there is o mistakes in x stitch , just variations."
I love it . lol
that belief keeps me from going crazy . I have also put things down for awhile (like a year) and when I go back to them they don't look so bad. so don't give up you can make it work.
Posted by: mehouk on 12/17/14
That's the spirit! I think as stitchers we all run into this dilemma at one time or another and have to let our creative juices kick in to adjust and make it right. Be persistent and you will figure it out. Happy holidays to you.

PS: This is in reply to your most recent post.
Posted by: lbcatlovr001 on 12/17/14
I agree. I always heard God was perfect. Stitching isn't.

I started...yet to complete a Santa Cola pattern for my son years ago, 12 years to be exact. I feel like Pa Kettle "I'll get to it one of these days". (from my favorite Sat. TV movies I use to watch when zi was a kid) Santa's face/beard is driving me crazy... eventually it will come to me. Maybe he will get it next Christmas.... It was suppose to be for his high school graduation. He loved and lucky, still is fond of Coke ads.

Don't give up! just take your time. I say, the project needs to rest awhile sometimes.
Oh, my goodness, I also have a dollar bill pattern half finished. it's at least 20 years.... I'm older than I thought! I never worked so heard for a dollar! My ex was a banker and I thought is was clever. He's moved on. I'm going to finish it. I have it and I'll finish itone of these days.

I take pictures of some of my projects the good and the "didn't work out ones".

I wanted to make my 3 year old niece a darling hair bow keeper. It was suppose to be a Holly Hobby like head with long braids. (I thought I could do this without a real pattern). So for Christmas, I bought all these sweet little hair clips and bows and got to sewing. Well for Christmas, Heidi, my niece got a lovely box of hair do-dads. And I got a Halloween Door Decoration I still use. The Holly Hobby Head ended up looking like Mr. Bill with long yellow braids. It was something that could have scared a little girl, if it was hanging in her room. Everyone comments on it at Halloween when I hang it on the door. It is a humbling piece that we love. Heidi is now 31 (she is a military daughter and hasn't lived here in years) and every so many years we talk about my "oh no Mr. Bill". This year I even sent her a picture of it (while packing) via phone and she called to hear the story again. I guess I will give it to her someday. But I think my kids will fight her for it.

I have a crocheted "BREAD" Doilie my great-grandmother made no matter how you turn it it does not read from left to right. I love it and appreciate it. There is no flaw in it...except it is backwards, it says DAERB. I never knew her. She was a very talented stitcher/homemaker I am told, but the pattern must have been a doozy.

Love is in the eye of the beholder.

Sometimes things turn out so much better than you think at the time. Holly Hobby would not even be around now. And, it wouldn't have been near as much fun. And as far as BREAD, it is with great admiration it hung in my dining room. Enjoy the adventure and make your story.

Posted by: xstitcher522 on 12/17/14
ladybugtrisha57, I bet you don't feel so bad about the mistakes now, do you?
Posted by: jclifford on 12/18/14
x-stitcher, would it spell BREAD if you flipped the doilie?
Posted by: Texas Stitcher on 12/18/14
Believe it or not, no. It just doesn't work that way. Gotta love it. When I unpack someday, maybe I'll post a picture of it. It is a puzzlement.
Posted by: xstitcher522 on 12/18/14