If you find this knot in the middle of the floss insert a pin or a needle in it and try to get it loose and untangle and try your best with it. That what I do. Other wise I cut it. My mom had taught me that.
Posted by: miss crossstitc on 12/27/14
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Those are slip knots, which happen when you are stitching. These are millend knots, you can pick apart & find separate ends.
Posted by: jlhewes on 12/27/14
You still can do the same insert a needle or a pin in the loop and try to untangle it if not try to get the needle in it and try to loosen it when you work. That what I hand known from my mother
Posted by: miss crossstitc on 12/27/14
i believe the knots that were discussed earlier were a question of quality and poor production and quality control. This is disappointing when you trust a company like DMC.
Posted by: xstitcher522 on 12/27/14
The knots I was talking about were in the purchased skeins. It was obvious that they had been tied together.
Posted by: NANCYE G on 12/27/14
I remember now that one of the skeins I winded recently I found one of these tied together type knots and had to cut it in the middle of the skein to remove it. Miss Cross Stitch these knots actually have ends like shoelaces so you have no choice but to cut the floss your winding even if you were able to loosen the knot with your needle the thread would likely come apart like 2 separate shoe laces---it's hard to explain but when it happens to you it will make more sense.
Posted by: lbcatlovr001 on 12/27/14
Miss C, get a grip! Of course you can use the needle to undo the knot, but you'll still end up with two ends. They're winding the skeins at the mill & run out of the spool with a partial skein. Rather than toss that skein & lose pennies, they tie on a new spool with the little knot.
Posted by: jlhewes on 12/27/14
They should take those loose ends and use them in kits.
Posted by: NANCYE G on 12/27/14
I haven't run across one yet. I have several bags of floss that I have to wind onto bobbins so I am sure to come across several.

I was into knitting several years ago in a major way and had that problem with yarn. The yarn was prohibitively expensive and when I complained the shop owner told me that up to 3 knots is okay. This was a 50 g ball with approximately 120 meter length. If it's more than he would take the ball back and return it to the company. Three knots is a lot in knitting because it's recommended that joining is done at the beginning of the row. Another annoying thing is that all these ends have to be worked into the finished piece.

jl, is absolutely correct about them trying to save money. If it gets too bad, I'll switch to Anchor.

Good idea, Nancye, those are the perfect pieces for kits. I'm done with them.
Posted by: Texas Stitcher on 12/27/14
Texas Stitcher -- I would be willing to bet a Dimensions kit that you would encounter a similar problem with Anchor. Plus, they don't have as many colors.
Posted by: NANCYE G on 12/27/14
You're probably right. Do you really want to win a Dimensions kit, Nancye? LOL

PS Know, what really irritates me about Dimensions' floss? The long numbers - who needs all that? three numbers is plenty, four barely acceptable but five? C'mon. Then there is blended floss and you have to keep track of two long numbers. I stitch to relax not to stress.
Posted by: Texas Stitcher on 12/27/14