Half Stitches
If you don't like half stiches, this is not the picture for you. I am almost done with Dimensions "Cardinals on Sled." I've been working on it since last spring and have been anxious to get it finished by New Year's, so I can start another big project. I do love this picture though.

In the picture, only the cardinals and sled are cross stitched. I didn't know that until after I got it. The tree, snow, and woods are all half stitches. It does give the trees a nice effect. And I don't mind half stitches, now that I've done so many.

However, I have, in the past two weeks, worsened the tendinitis in my thumb. I can hardly hold a needle without discomfort. I had to give up knitting because it was too hard on my hands. (My doctor says it is osteoarthritis, over use of my joints; and I don't really want to take medicine.) I was getting along fine with cross stitching until I started doing the tree. The half stitches require five strands of floss for coverage, and pulling the thicker floss through the material has hurt my thumb. I am determined to finish this picture in a few days, now that I have the tree done, and mostly only have the outlining to do. Then maybe I can do a small piece (a baby chickadee) using only two strands and regular cross stitches to help lessen my tendinitis.

Of course, my well-meaning husband just said to me, "Maybe you should give your hands a two-week rest from cross stitching." . . . . . He loves seeing my "artwork" as he calls it, but he just doesn't understand. Two weeks! I'm stress if I'm not cross stitching after two days! Adele :-)
Posted by: arottenbucher on 12/28/14
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Thanks for the info on this. I've admired it before. But you do highlight a problem--I think the manufacturers could do a much better job of describing their offerings. The proof is in this chat room!
Posted by: terryslat on 12/28/14
Beautiful picture. All 1/2 stitch? I would never have gotten thru it. My hat (and my Yarmulke) are off to you.
Posted by: NANCYE G on 12/28/14
It is a lovely project and I love cardinals.

Would the little rubber fingers they use in offices help grip the needle with the heavier load of floss? I've never tried it, but the idea popped into my head with your description of your problem.

I understand your anxiety with time off, it can be harder than actually doing something painful! :) But stretching the hands does help. Try doing 3 or 4 different stretches for fingers and wrists and shoulders before, during, and after stitching. Advice from a physical therapist. Good luck, from a fellow sufferer!
Posted by: VCESS on 12/28/14
Cvess, I thought of the rubber finger thing when I was almost all done. So hopefully the worst is over as I go back to using two strands of floss.

But I will do the finger stretches as you suggest. Thanks

I guess when we are addicted to cross stitch, we have to have to accept some side effect. At least it is not costly nor dangerous, other than a finger poke now and then. :-)
Posted by: arottenbucher on 12/28/14
I think it's the 5 strands causing the pain. That's a lot to pull through! Half stitches should cause half the pain, time taken, floss used, etc.
Posted by: jlhewes on 12/28/14