ISO: unfinished project help!
Hello! I'm new to this forum and I need help!

I have a cross-stitch project that needs finishing, but I am unable to complete it myself.

Where can I go to find someone to help complete it? Are there cross-stitchers out there that do this for extra cash? I could really use a service like that.

Any opinions are appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Posted by: shelvis on 05/01/15
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I would recommend going to your local stitching store and inquire if they know someone that could step up and complete it for you. I for one, would hate to try and finish someone elses work b/c my tention and style may be different and the outcome totally different. Not to be nosy but... Why don't you want to finish it?
Posted by: xstitcher522 on 05/02/15
I like xstitcher agree . To me it would be a challenge but, don't you have time?
Posted by: hobbies on 05/02/15
Please post information about this project. Size, difficulty, etc. number of colors, stitch count, black fabric, etc.

I do agree that if you have a local shop that would be the best place to start.
Posted by: NANCYE G on 05/02/15
I broke my hand and can't stitch - it's a present for my mom's 75th bday in June and it's a stitching of my kids. I have no problem if the entire pic isn't complete...just need finishing around the main area of the kids faces. Unfortunately, can't find how to post the pic to show.

42 colors (not using all)
150 stitches wide (not using all)
141 stitches high (not using all)

Like I said - just need it finishes enough to frame the faces and most of it is done!
Posted by: shelvis on 05/02/15
To maximize time, you need someone the shops in your area, the needlework guild (local, county, state), churches....someone in quilting groups would probably be able to help, too. Good luck!

With a little help, couldn't one of your kids help? My daughter started x-stitch when she was 8....plastic canvas and rugs when she was even younger.....just showing she could do stuff! :)
Posted by: VCESS on 05/02/15
Like the others said your best bet is to find someone local to finish it if you are unable. I don't do any finishing for people because everyone has a different stitch tension so each stitcher's work is different than another's. Sorry couldn't be more help. Hope you find someone local to finish it for you.
Posted by: syagel on 05/02/15
Does it has to much to do in it?
Posted by: miss crossstitc on 05/02/15
Miss C -- she said that it is a family portrait
Posted by: NANCYE G on 05/02/15
Also, check the back pages of needlework magazines in the ads.
Posted by: jlhewes on 05/02/15
jlhewes - your post made a light bulb go off in my head.

Google "cross stitch finishing" of "finishers" you will get a list of contacts

Hope this helps
Posted by: NANCYE G on 05/02/15