Mickey Mouse -- Pirate
Is there anywhere in the US I can find these charts ?? The closest ones are in England and Latvia --- maybe it's a copyright "thing" -- but have a new grandson and want to make a birth sampler for him. Thanks.
Posted by: sherrie6269 on 07/01/15
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I posted information regarding a Mickey Mouse Pirate -- I just looked again and realized that it was not an official Disney pattern so I have withdrawn the information

I don't remember what Commandment was about breaking copyright laws.
Posted by: NANCYE G on 07/01/15
Well, could you send it anyway -- doesn't have to be an "official" product.
Posted by: sherrie6269 on 07/01/15
Yes, it does have to be an "official" image for many of us who understand how copyright infringement is ruining income for many of our favorite designers, even a big studio like Disney, whose copyright violations are in the many millions of dollars. It literally kills smaller designs studios.

I would rather stitch something that is available under copyright than violate copyright.

As for which commandment, I think theft comes to mind...that is the, uh, seventh commandment. I try to not mess with God in general.
Posted by: Su Pitt on 07/01/15
Until I joined this chat room I probably would not have thought about it. In fact, I did something like that myself once -- Sorry Su

I will give you a hint. After I read your post it took me less than five minutes (a lot less) to find this information. I am sure that you can figure it out yourself, if you try.

Posted by: NANCYE G on 07/01/15
OK, can someone design their own chart with their own drawing of the mouse...for private, one-time use?
If I have a picture, and I draw the picture, put it on graph paper for my own use for one time only...is that stealing?
Posted by: VCESS on 07/02/15
Ok, not sure if I got the correct info, but... is this a pattern of Mickey Mouse as a pirate or are we talking about a pirated copy of mickey mouse?

Not to sound like Miss Crossstitch (or yes, to sound like Miss Crossstitch), there's many, many free patterns of Mickey Mouse on Pinterest. Would that be an infringement on the copyright law? If so, why would Pinterest allowed it?
Posted by: jclifford on 07/02/15
Sherrie was looking for a cross-stitch pattern of Mickey Mouse dressed as a pirate. Yes, it is perfectly legal for someone to draw up their own personal pattern, using graph paper or PatternMaker. It is legal to stitch for their own use. It is illegal to claim that it is an official Disney item.

As Miss C often posts "you can go to GOOGlE or PINTEREST to find something. Miss C -- we all know that you are trying to be helpful

I , personally, would not tell you to do that because I think that everyone in this CHAT is smart enough to do that on their own.

There are many questionable products on the internet in regards to trademark or copyright violations. Yes, I personally have purchased some. Possibly, I might do it again. However, I would not direct you to a questionable site.

I am going to start a ChitChat on this topic.
Posted by: NANCYE G on 07/02/15
Sherrie was looking for a cross-stitch pattern of Mickey Mouse dressed as a pirate. Yes, it is perfectly legal for someone to draw up their own personal pattern, using graph paper or PatternMaker. It is legal to stitch for their own use. It is illegal to claim that it is an official Disney item.

As Miss C often posts "you can go to GOOGlE or PINTEREST to find something. Miss C -- we all know that you are trying to be helpful

I , personally, would not tell you to do that because I think that everyone in this CHAT is smart enough to do that on their own.

There are many questionable products on the internet in regards to trademark or copyright violations. Yes, I personally have purchased some. Possibly, I might do it again. However, I would not direct you to a questionable site.

I am going to start a ChitChat on this topic.
Posted by: NANCYE G on 07/02/15
I found a pattern on Etsy for 9.99 of Mickey Mouse Pirate. He doesn't have a patch, but it's very cute.

check it out here:


Also Ebay has some for $10.99. Very cute.
Posted by: jclifford on 07/02/15
jclifford -- those are the ones that I saw originally. Yes, they are very cute
Posted by: NANCYE G on 07/02/15