Baby Elephants
Does the fabric come with item and do all I need is one scane of each color for this project along with instructions. I also presume this is in U.S. Funds. Thank you. Roseanna
Posted by: rjankowski14 on 08/12/15
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The product type listed for this design is a counted cross stitch pattern. Meaning, it's not a manufactured kit and all you would get for the price listed is the leaflet and instructions for the design.

However, the supplies that you will need for this design are listed right underneath of it. All of the floss is right below the picture of the pattern and the fabric that is needed is to the right of that. If you choose to purchase the floss and fabric, along with the leaflet, you can do so by just adding all of the items to your shopping cart. Once the order is placed, we will gather everything up and get it out to you as soon as possible :) The floss list will give you the color number on the left and on the right it will give a number and that number is how many skeins is needed for that specific color. They are usually all 1 and occasionally, you will see other numbers listed for there for a design. I hope this information helps :) Thank you!

~Kristi @ ECS
Posted by: Kristi @ ECS on 08/13/15