Thread quality
The picture is very beautiful once done with the different thread thicknesses it is a textured effect, very nice. However the thread brakes very easily and I had to change some colours around a bit as I ran out and couldn't match them with DMC.
Posted by: dsahara1 on 02/09/16
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Dimensions kits use their own brand of floss for their kits so you usually won't be able to match them with DMC floss very well :( I would contact them and let them know the review of their product and what happened with the thread. Here is the link to contact Dimension:

~Kristi @ ECS
Posted by: Kristi @ ECS on 02/09/16
I understand about the variations in thread quality, but in the ages since I began stitching, am I just lucky to have never broken a thread? I would think you would have to be strangling that fabric or using the thread down to a shredded hair? Forgive me. I don't mean to pick on you. I've heard this statement about breaking before and "the weirdies" are tripping stuff in my head and I haven't soaked it yet...can't do a thing with it. :)
Posted by: VCESS on 02/09/16