has it been on board why dmc are changing their no?
Posted by: hobbies on 05/26/16
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It is really confusing sometimes when U are going to look for a DMC floss no. and U can t get what U are looking for. Yes I had notice that DMC is changing their floss no. sometimes.
Posted by: miss crossstitc on 05/26/16
yes , miss crossstitch it is very confusing but i'm wondering if alot of the board members are going to kits ,but when they run out their have to change anyway.
Posted by: hobbies on 05/26/16
Hi there again Mrs Hobby

When U buy a kit the name of the company is there. U can ask them for some extra floss to finish what you din t for free. Good luck.
Posted by: miss crossstitc on 05/26/16
To my knowledge, DMC is not changing their floss numbers. They are introducing new lines, such as Coloris that have a different numbering system.
Posted by: MissKitty on 05/26/16
DMC has indeed changed some numbers, but not retired the colors. I have a list of them which is not a huge list, but cannot put my hands on it.
If you are asking why DMC numbers as they do, this chat group has decided that no one truly knows. I put it off as yet another madcap French aberration, to never be understood by anyone who is not born and raised in the DMC family.
Posted by: Su Pitt on 05/26/16
THIS IS CONFUSING. This "thread" makes it sounds like DMC is changing everything. It must be a big misunderstanding.

DMC claims that they never eliminate one of their floss colors. I know that in the past DMC has eliminated some numbers. Then an identical(?) color turns up with a different number. That is frustrating. Also, for some reason they "skipped" some numbers.

Would DMC really consider changing all of their numbers? What a nightmare that would be. Think of all the equipment to change their little labels. Think of all the patterns that would have to have the symbol codes redone.

Stitchers who used the DMC competitor that changed their number system still have not recovered from that experience.

THINK, THINK, THINK -- DMC might not have the greatest Customer Service but they certainly would not be crazy enough to change their current numbering system. If Black #310 goes away -- so do I.

Posted by: NANCYE G on 05/27/16
I think the numbering system has something to do with dye formulas...maybe new colors are added because the dyes are changed by "whatever"...natural, synthetic, variants...maybe we would be better served not buying in quantity, but only buying plenty to finish a project, using leftovers only as fill-ins. Never start a project without purchasing plenty of floss...would solve all this "matching"...what's so important about a "stash"? You have to store it, care for it, keep track of it...I'm exhausted. :)
Posted by: VCESS on 05/28/16
VCESS, you forgot to mention all that bobbin winding! LOLOLOLOL

Nancye, and Su I totally agree. I have noticed that some colors are no longer available. I had a small list once but misplaced or most likely threw it out. I have copies notes that I plan to "do something with" and when I'm under time pressure to clean I throw it all out. Most of the time I can't even make since of my cryptic scribblings.

I've often wondered about the random numbering system. What's up with that. There might be five colors in the same family when out of the blue you end up with a bright red among whatever. I try to become more sheeplike and just go with the flow.
Posted by: Texas Stitcher on 05/29/16
What a scary thought. if #310 black changes we might all have a there someone we can ask that represents DMC if this is only falsehood?
Posted by: mcleodjt on 05/29/16
310 is the least of my issues. I only use Anchor black and white for that matter. I just hope that they don't mess with the rest of the colors.

VCESS is right, no need for a stash, it's just extra work. I no longer will feel guilty about being wasteful with my floss. Thank you, VCESS! LOL
Posted by: Texas Stitcher on 05/29/16