I received this kit and the thread is not numbered. Do you have a chart to tell me the symbol and what thread to use where
Posted by: kgworrall on 06/27/16
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No, I am sorry but we do not have that information available. We do sell this kit on our website but we do not manufacture it or put it together. This kit is made by Janlynn, so I would just contact them and see if that have a numbered chart available for you?! Here is the link to their website if you need it:

There might be a phone number on the outside of the kti somewhere as well?

~Kristi @ ECS
Posted by: Kristi @ ECS on 06/27/16
Did you get a chart of the symbols and colors that go for each ?
I made this several years ago and just got the pattern with chart of symbols and colors.
It turned out very pretty.
I still have the chart of symbols and colors.
Posted by: SDstitcher on 07/25/16
Many of the companies that make kits do not number their floss. It usually comes loosely tied together and there should be a list of the colors/symbols included in the kit. So then you have to sit down with this list and sort out the floss to be used. For instance, the list will say: White, 2 yards. Then you have to look thru the floss to find the white, separate it out and either use floss bags or bobbins to wind it on - label it and move on to the next color. It can get a little tricky when there are several shades of the same color. For instance, I recently received a kit that had very light blue, pale blue, light blue, blue, medium blue and dark blue. When this happens, you have to look at the yardage indicated. There were 2 yds of of some, 3 of others and 4 of others, so it was fairly easy to figure out. If you have two yards each of two very similar colors, take a look at the colored picture that comes with the kit and see if you can determine which is which. It's also difficult to know how the company is going to describe the colors, for instance "coral" and "dark pink". Sometimes you just have to guess!

Good luck and enjoy.

Posted by: quilterangel123 on 07/26/16
go to and click on floss and all the numbers and colors r there
Posted by: evarock1959 on 08/01/16
Can anyone please help me. I have this FROM THIS DAY FORWARD kit but I have lost the symbol / instruction chart. I have the chart material threads etc but no symbols.
Would anyone be kind enough to email me a copy ...PLEASE
Posted by: s_psilk on 02/23/17
Hello s_psilk,

You will need to contact the manufacturer of this kit, which is Janlynn. They will be able to provide you with a replacement copy of the chart for this kit. Here is their contact info:

Thank you!
~Kristi @ ECS
Posted by: Kristi @ ECS on 02/23/17
Hi Kristi,

Thank you for the reply, I have already emailed Janlynn a while back but had no reply from them.
I was hopeing that someone else may have the symbol codes for the chart.
Thanks again
Posted by: s_psilk on 02/23/17
Oh goodness :( They are usually pretty good at getting back to their customers so that is surprising to hear. Maybe try calling them to see if that gets you a quicker response? If not, hopefully someone on here that has this design is willing to send you what they have?! Good luck!

~Kristi @ ECS
Posted by: Kristi @ ECS on 02/23/17
Don't know if it makes any difference to Janlynn but I'm in the uk ,
Fingers crossed someone will read t,his and have a code chart I could copy!
Have a good day
Posted by: s_psilk on 02/23/17
No charge for them. :)
Posted by: VCESS on 02/23/17