Hey fellow frogger's, I Googled DMC, was going to write them and ask what are you people doing. It seems DMC sold 100^ of its stock to a UK private investment firm. Hmmm.
Posted by: grammysherry7 on 08/22/16
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But that buy out was supposed to be fairly recent--could they get an inferior product on the shelves that quick?
Posted by: VCESS on 08/22/16
Good point. Could they have absorbed a lesser company? Like some that are coming in from overseas, as a package deal? That seems far fetched. It seems strange that a company as old as DMC would go downhill in a matter of months. I see DMC has merged with Charles Craft for cross stitch fabric. I got some Aida and it was awful. I could see right through it. The deal with DMC for me is its availability - there are 4 stores in my area carrying it. If I'm anxious to start a project, I don't want to wait a week or two to get what I need. Note to me: Start planning ahead. But, you're right. It just seems there's something more to it.
Posted by: grammysherry7 on 08/22/16
I'm suspicious as well. An investment firm??? Maybe that's why DMC floss has gone down in QUALITY because a) the takeover company can't understand the words "quality in floss" or they just don't care.
It might be our advantage to find out the name of this investment firm and send them some e-mails on what is going to be their position on restoring quality of DMC floss....OR at least e-mail them that the QUALITY of the DMC floss has gone down-hill over the last 2-3 years PRIOR to their becoming involved and with MILLIONS of counted cross stitchers out there, what is their plan?? May not get an answer from them...but it may make someone's ears "perk up"... "wheels don't get heard unless they squeak" my grandmother used to say....
Posted by: Bermuda on 08/22/16
I know, Bermuda. It's like cheese and chalk but that's what the Google blurb said. I mean it would be like Taco Bell investing in yarn. I pulled out one of my skeins of ecru that I've had for a few months, I swear to you, I compared the strands and the old is thicker than what I just bought. I separated the old down into two strands and tugged really hard, did not give a bit. The other thing I've noticed is the sheen seems to be gone or maybe it's my eye sight. I told VCESS that for me it's the availability of DMC I've always liked - there are 4 stores in my area that carry it. If I want to start a project and need a color, I can just hop in the car and go get it. I need to rethink things.
Posted by: grammysherry7 on 08/22/16
Investment firm? I thought it was some kind of floss and fabric co.that was some kind of "off" brand--from the better flosses--to use the quality and reputation of DMC... that's just what I understood from skimming topics...I've been busy and not paying a lot of attention... :)
Posted by: VCESS on 08/22/16
and this investment firm, according to the blurb, is in the UK??? Maybe the British will start to get fed up with the floss quality and question the investor that is in the UK with them...Maybe the BIG question is: WHO ARE YOU BUYING YOUR COTTON FROM????
Posted by: Bermuda on 08/22/16
VCESS, I'm just going by what it said on the Google blurb. It clearly said an investment firm in the UK. I just told Bermuda that would be like Taco Bell investing in yarn.
Posted by: grammysherry7 on 08/22/16
Yep Bermuda, that's what it said. I thought "what?" I get a cross stitch magazine that is UK generated and I know those people are probably not going to be happy. I wonder if they're getting the cotton from that huge foreign country that has replaced other products in the U.S.
Posted by: grammysherry7 on 08/22/16
Could be.....
I know this sounds ridiculous, but TRUE, that if I buy jeans and the label says "Bangladesh", the jeans fit better than if the label says the Phillapines.....why is that?
Posted by: Bermuda on 08/22/16
I've found not only do clothing sizes vary, so do shoes. I can wear a 6 1/2 in one store but need a 7 in another. One thing that drives me bonkers with Ebay is so many of their offerings - size is given in millimeters (not clothes or shoes). I'm metric challenged.
Posted by: grammysherry7 on 08/22/16