Washing Cross Stitch Piece After Stitching
In the last year I have purchased a few of the Riolis kits. These kits contain threads that are wool/acrylic blend. I read through the instructions with the kit and did not see care for washing the piece after stitching. Does anyone know whether these cross stitch pieces can be washed by hand and ironed after stitching before it is framed. Thanks.
Posted by: lbcatlovr001 on 10/27/14
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You should wash it by just soked in detergen and water do not rub it just squise gently and iron with a towel after it get demp. Good luck.
Posted by: miss crossstitc on 10/27/14
I would be very careful since it's wool. You don't want it to shrink. Use a detergent made for wool and wash in cold water only. Don't leave it to soak more than a few minutes and carefully remove excess water by leaving it in the sink with the stopper open. Then I would roll it into a towel and let it air dry. I'd be reluctant to iron wool. If at all then place a cloth over the back and on the wool setting.
I have been knitting for at least 25 years and have never ironed wool. I block the pieces before assembly. Ironing wool completely changes texture and appearance and it can not be reversed.
My suggestion would be to contact the manufacturer of your kits.
Good luck.
Posted by: Texas Stitcher on 10/27/14
I agree with Texas Stitcher.
Posted by: jclifford on 10/27/14
I use Dove detergent with cold water. For the rinsing, I put a little vinegar in the water. I never had any problems with running colors, etc.
Posted by: mintpa5236 on 10/28/14
I use Dove detergent with cold water. For the rinsing, I put a little vinegar in the water. I never had any problems with running colors, etc.
Posted by: mintpa5236 on 10/28/14
I don't think that running colors would be a problem, more like shrinkage. If the water is too hot you get a felted look, if you work wool too much during the washing/rinsing process all sorts of nasty things can happen. I have heard of vinegar being used in place of fabric softener but never on wool. Fabric softener will ruin wool. I don't know what kind of product you used if it's 100% wool or if it's part synthetic. Perhaps you could run a damp cloth over it to freshen it? I mentioned in my previous comment that your best bet would be to contact the manufacturer.
Posted by: Texas Stitcher on 10/28/14
I have not yet stitched this Riolis kit (who is a Russian kit manufacturer). I do know that all of the kits they manufacture include threads that are a wool/acrylic blend. These kits are sold by many US stitchery companies (Everything, 123, Herrschnerrs, etc, etc) just like the one pictured next to this inquiry that is sold here at Everything---I have this one and and the winter design in this series. I was trying to be proactive when I looked through the information included with the kit and could not find the laundering info. and wondered what other stitchers were doing when they completed these projects before they framed them. I will take care when I wash the piece at its completion and keep it simple due to everyone's advice. Thanks to everyone who replied.
Posted by: lbcatlovr001 on 10/28/14
Let us know the results. I would like to know what to do in this case if I ever do one with wool.
Posted by: jclifford on 10/29/14