I am considering changing a pattern to use as a clock face. I don't know how to begin or where I am heading on this idea. But, I love making functional pieces whenever possible, I'm thinking for the kitchen or living room. But where does one find the clock? Do I go to the thrift store and try to take one apart or do I go to Michaels and try to start from scratch? How do I mount it? Sticky board? Has anyone seen this product?
Posted by: xstitcher522 on 12/16/14
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Hi xstitcher 522. I have a Dimensions Kit from a very long time ago that is a clock face in counted cross stitch with a wildlife animal scene that surrounds it. Very recently I set up the kit to stitch. I have not really looked at the mechanical portion and directions that accompany it as that is not my strong suit but know that there is a wood frame that was part of it. If you can be specific about what your questions are I can look at what I have in the directions and try to answer what you would like to know. When you say where does one find the clock, do you mean the arms and the hardware connection to make the arms go around? As for mounting, I am sure that mine will definitely include this information and how to do it, but I will have to look for the packaging to give you more detail.
Posted by: lbcatlovr001 on 12/16/14
There's a really cute one that has "Coffee Time" on it with coffee mugs for the numbers and a school house with a clock beside it. Copy and paste this link to your address bar to see it. It's on this website.

Also on Amazon, there's many different ones you can choose from: Flowers, baby, etc. Go there too.

Keep going page after page. There's so many in there. They are so adorable. I may do one someday (when I get through with all the patterns I have accumulated thus far. Can't stop myself from buying)

Hope this helps. Good luck.
Posted by: jclifford on 12/16/14
There is a which sells clock parts, etc. Maybe this site would give you some ideas for your project.
Posted by: maubennett on 12/16/14
Maubennett is correct. Go to and have them send you one of their catalogs. My husband made some beautiful clocks and got catalogs from them all the time. They have some really good ideas, and you can purchase all kinds of clock parts from them.
Posted by: syagel on 12/16/14
Sounds like you want to alter a pattern you already have. Can you tell us its name and how you want to change it? Maybe post a picture?
Posted by: jlhewes on 12/16/14
I'd love to see it too. It's nice to do something different from time to time.
Posted by: Texas Stitcher on 12/16/14
I need a clock. I want a clock that says "me". LOL maybe that's what should be on the face ME... No, just kidding. I'm thinking it would be nice to change the clock dial to a face stitched by me. (an original) I'm leaning toward maybe a wreath pattern. I have a few wreaths I'd like to stitch. If I find a clock or clock kit, I would like to replace clock dial and put in my stitching for a one of a kind piece. Kind of an heirloom piece. My assumption is all it would require is replacing the dial (face) by using sticky board with my stitching on it and cutting to size. Depending on the size of the face I could try 18 or 22 count fabric, cutting a hole for the movements and then replacing the hands. I really don't need the numbers, maybe use little hash marks. Does that make sense? I haven't decided on a cross stitch pattern, I just know I need a clock and it would be fun if it is a little bit of different .

I am looking at all the suggestions. Never knew there were so many choices online. Thank you! Once I figure it out I will post it. : )
Posted by: xstitcher522 on 12/17/14
xstitcher 522: I think that's a wonderful idea. If you have a wreath pattern, you could probably make it big enough to put a clock face w/numbers in the center of it (if that's what you are thinking. You probably wouldn't have to make very many adjustments.

I think that Syagel and jlhewes would have some great ideas about this and how to do it. They are very knowledgeable about things like this. Girls, do you have any advice about this?
Posted by: jclifford on 12/17/14
Dimensions has a kit called Wreath of all Seasons. I don't know if it would be suitable for a clock face. I've been eyeing for some time now. Tell me what you think.
Posted by: Texas Stitcher on 12/17/14
Don't do it, TXS!!!! LOL. You are going to be known as the Stitching Hoarder of Texas!!!! We won't hear from you for years and they will eventually find you under 100 pounds of UFOs and patterns!!!

Your epitaph will read: She died stitching, happy and broke. She is survived by her family, friends and ECS!!!

Posted by: jclifford on 12/17/14