Please Note the Date..... :)
The Husband’s Complaint

I’ve heard of wives too musical–too talkative–too quiet
Of scolding and of gaming wives and those too fond of riot;
But yet of all the errors I know, which to the women fall;
For ever doing fancy work, I think exceeds them all.

The other day when I went home no dinner was for me,
I asked my wife the reason; she answered, “One, two, three.”
I told her I was hungry and stamped upon the floor.
She never even looked at me, but murmured “One green more.”

If any lady comes to tea, her bag is first surveyed,
And if the pattern pleases her, a copy there is made.
She stares too at the gentleman, and when I ask her why,
Tis, “Oh my love, the pattern of his waistcoat struck my eye.”

Ah? The misery of a working wife, with fancy work run wild;
And hands that never do aught else for husband or for child;
Our clothes are rent, our bills unpaid; my house is in disorder;
And all because my lady wife has taken to embroider.

~ M. T. Morrall, A History of Needlemaking, 1852
Posted by: VCESS on 06/24/15
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Bwahahaha!!!! That's SO appropriate for this group!!
Posted by: lpnbarnes on 06/24/15
Love it! And life goes on and one and on.........
Posted by: maubennett on 06/24/15
And on and on.... :) With it being published in 1852, it seems to link the behavior of a large group for a long period of time. Do you think 164 years qualifies as a specific pattern of sociological behavior? Could we have our own sociological syndrome? :)
Posted by: VCESS on 06/27/15
Love the poem. Even 150 years ago hubbys were complaining about our stitching. I have a quilting cartoon on my bulletin board from several years ago. it shows a man and the cat each holding a bowl and he is saying to the wife sitting and quilting in her chair. "hey remember us?" Same idea. Love the poems and jokes.
Posted by: syagel on 06/27/15
Was just having a discussion with my husband today about the amount of time i spend on my cross stitch...he doesn't get it......but after working over 30 yrs, we agreed that i can spend my retirement years doing what I's a good man ) Barb
Posted by: bthompson2418 on 06/27/15
Does the husband just sit at the stock exchange all day? Like the husband in Proverbs sits at the temple & his wife has to run the ranch? Men!
Posted by: jlhewes on 06/28/15
Good one, love it. Men and women just don't seem to be very compatible. I wonder why nature designed things this way.

I heard the saddest report on the news a week or so ago. A husband smothered his wife (4 kids) because she talked too much. Just awful.

Yes, jl, that's how men seem to like things, just as you described it. Hope our fellow male stitchers are not offended.

I am so way behind and am trying to catch up here.
Posted by: Texas Stitcher on 07/03/15