can i use regular thread than 284z or can this thread split into three sections like it has on me. i never have worked with this thread.thanks
Posted by: gardenpg on 06/27/15
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thank u everyone for my response ive never worked with a thread that has more splits ends with hair than this . it splits iinto three sections. and also with beads should i tie each one seperate. thank u
Posted by: gardenpg on 06/28/15
OH! The splitting into separate strands would definitely distress me too! I didn't even know it COULD split without breaking. No idea how to help you because I've not used the metallic...yet. In a few days I will have have the pleasure of using this stuff for the first time. But from what I have read previously by the more experienced...and helpful...I will use very short lengths and be very careful with handling the floss. This would include ensuring to use a slightly larger head needle and delicate tension.

--I really should refrain from commenting when I can't help, but it was the wee hours and the comedic overwhelmed me! :) No alcohol involved. LOL

Posted by: VCESS on 06/28/15
Hello Gardenpg, I used 284Z in making Santa of the Forest and found it to be most "uncooperative", especially if I had to combine it with another color. When Lavender & Lace was first producing designs back in the 1980's, this 284Z was the only one available. I will be making another Santa of the Forest at some point and will not be using it. If you google: What is 284Z thread...Told in a Garden, you will go straight to a page where they give you newer versions of comparable gold threads to use. There is a plain 284 DMC gold you can use which is not bad. However, for a greater color choice in gold there is Treasure Braid by Rainbow Gallery (which I will use next time around) and also Krienik has choices of metallic threads in gold. Hope this helps you!!
Posted by: jerseycrafter on 06/28/15
I believe 284Z is a six strand gold floss, right? It's supposed to split into six.
Posted by: Simon Purple on 06/30/15
jsimonpurple, Good morning! Actually...DMC 284Z is a non-divisible 3 ply synthetic thread. This thread is not "smooth" in nature. Therefore, when I was working on Santa's staff in Santa of the Forest, I had to combine it with a strand of rust or brown on many stitches. I was working on 32 count linen which I am sure had something to do with my difficulty using this thread. It would "catch" as I pulled it up to the top of the fabric. I "persevered" however because the "bulkiness" of the thread made the stitches sit just a littler higher than the other stitches above the fabric. I liked this because it made the staff more "life like"! Now....having said that I don't think I would use it again because it was time consuming to constantly detangle as I was working. DMC now has 284 which is a three ply also, however, it is smoother and much more pliable!
Posted by: jerseycrafter on 07/01/15
Simon...I am hoping you read my post about the infamous 284Z thread!!
Posted by: jerseycrafter on 07/02/15
Yes! I got it. I wouldn't use that stuff anyway. I'm really like the petite treasure metallics.
Posted by: Simon Purple on 07/02/15
Would Thread Heaven be a help for these problems?
Posted by: VCESS on 07/02/15
VCESS, I think you are referring to a thread "conditioner"?? I do not believe it would because the thread itself is just not smooth. You have to see a spool of this 284Z to understand this!!! I am with Simon...I use the petite treasure metallic threads. They handle wonderfully and have a grand variety of colors..just for gold alone. I was putting together floss for a project recently which called for a certain gold petite treasure metallic. I found a color called "Egyptian" gold which I liked better. I think it will look great!!
Posted by: jerseycrafter on 07/02/15
Thank you, Jersey! I had never heard of Rainbow Gallery Product! Being one of those "return" stitchers, there are so many products that I've never seen or heard of, so I go looking when somebody talks of stuff I'm completely in the dark about.

Looks like they a lot of interesting braids, etc. for beards, eyes, texturing, glamorizing, or whatever. New stuff! Love it! :)
Posted by: VCESS on 07/02/15