I Know this isn't about cross stitching but I just have to tell about it....
T-his may not be "up your alley" but this morning I was standing in front of the sliding glass door (with the glass door part closed) and a small chipmunk jumped up on the step outside and sat down staring out at our backyard. I didn't move though his back was to me because I didn't want to scare him. After about 15 seconds, I did move and he turned his head and saw me standing there. I figured he would run. But, NO, he turned around and sat down looking at me. I tapped on the glass, he continued to look at me. I got down on my hands and knees so I was almost eye-level with him and said loudly, "Please don't eat the flowers on my cucumber and zucchini plants." He just sat there with me talking to him for the next 2-3 minutes. He didn't leave until I stood up and opened the sliding glass door.

I am amazed at this behavior! Has anyone had experiences with wildlife like this?
Posted by: Bermuda on 06/28/15
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Awwww!!! I love stories like that. We all get so busy in our lives we don't pay attention to God's little creatures. I have had a chipmunk very busily working in my back yard for a couple weeks but haven't seen him for about a week now. I am hoping nothing has happened to him - just waterlogged like everyone else around here. Birds and Blooms magazine always has such fantastic pictures of birds and other little animals and it amazes me how people can get those pictures. Enjoy your little guy - he may like you and come back for a longer visit.
Posted by: clpatt123 on 06/28/15
Yesterday morning my husband told me that we had chipmunks nesting in a small corner of our yard
Posted by: NANCYE G on 06/28/15
I grew zucchini last year. They grew so huge! One was the size of a watermelon! I love the smell of cucumbers growing. Can't get past the bugs though. Hate to spray insecticide on them...doesn't make them very appetizing.
Posted by: Cory on 06/28/15
Squirrels can get pretty cheeky. We've got one here that teases the cats. Western Michigan,Kalamazoo & UC Davis are so overrun with them, the little guys will hold up traffic by sauntering down the middle of the street.
Posted by: jlhewes on 06/28/15
we have a groundhog the lives under our back deck. I named him/her Gertie . She too comes up to our glass door and looks in at me. Sh sits there and puts her front paws on the glass and sniffs a bit and watches. yesterday she was sitting on the bottom step looking around and watching the yard just like she owns it! At our old house we had a squirrel that use to come up on our porch and look beseechingly at us as if she was asking to come in! Linda
Posted by: lkgraham on 06/29/15
How nice that some of the animals decide that being around humans isn't the worst lot in life. Thank all of you! We think my little guy? chipmunk lives under our cement block steps between the foundation of the house and the back of the cement block. We are considering "relocating" him to the nearby woods though since they do love the cucumbers. Two cucumbers were definitely chewed into last summer...:)
Posted by: Bermuda on 06/29/15
One of my favorite squirrel enclaves is behind the Ronald McDonald House next to the Stanford University Medival Center near Palo Alto, California.
We had squirrels in our yard when I lived in NW Ohio, but none where I grew up in CA.

Years later, we brought our son to Stanford when he needed care there. We were allowed to stay at this wonderful house for parents of sick children. The campus there is huge and in a big grove of oaks, we got to see every color of squirrel that you might imagine...all fat with sleek beautiful coats. It was a very calming experience to watch them run and play and show off their young ones. They never came near the Ronald McDonald House. They seemed to know it was not for them...
Thank God for his woodland creatures and for this great charity from customers of McDonald's and that corporation.
Posted by: Su Pitt on 06/29/15
Not really, Bermuda but I am working on it. We have a bunny that runs around our yard. It's really small and seems to live in the hose reel box. The other day it was eating grass when I went outside. It froze and it's ears perked up. I tested my Dr. Doolittle abilities by reassuring it that it was welcome tot all it wanted. Then the sprinkler system came on and the moment was ruined. It took off for the flower bed. The lawn cutter moved the hose reel box yesterday and the poor thing just sat there totally bewildered. I have to move it back. I noticed that there was a small mound and wondered if the rabbit dug it. I get nervous when unusual activity occurs too close to the foundation. During the afternoons it can be seen by the bird feeder eating whatever the birds drop. My granddaughter enjoys watching.
Posted by: Texas Stitcher on 07/03/15
We re-located our little chipmunk into the woods about 2 miles away. He had wings leaving that live trap-cage we set out for him. Hope he has a great 4th of July weekend where it will be much quieter...
Posted by: Bermuda on 07/04/15