has anyone heard from marlene lately?
Posted by: robin lee on 10/03/15
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Yah! She checked in a week or so ago. Had her 2nd knee replacement & the hospital was horrible. She ended up with swelling & hives from an antibiotic. Pictures several pages back. She's still stitching.
Posted by: jlhewes on 10/03/15
And torturing Texas Stitcher with horrible pictures! LOL
Posted by: VCESS on 10/04/15
Tex, I was just teasing you because your reaction was by far the strongest! I understand exactly what you meant, it was pretty ghastly! :) it's one thing to visit and care about your ailing loved ones, would never occur to me to post a picture! LOL

As far as prime time tv is concerned, I am more offended by the bombardment of male "personal products" for what amounts to hours!!! I avoid live sports like the plague unless I can skip the commercials...LOVE MLB!!! NO COMMERCIALS!!! Everything else gets recorded...if I care enough to watch. I won't even watch Hulu...paying to watch a commercial is almost worse than paying to watch commercial-free...baseball is different! :)
Posted by: VCESS on 10/04/15
"pop pop fizz fizz oh what a relief it is" I loved that commercial also Madge the Palmolive lady...I'm with everyone about how offensive the prescription drug commercials are...so I only watch what I've dvr'd..
Posted by: bthompson2418 on 10/04/15
Mama, mia! That'sa spicey meat baall!


Loved it!!!! LOL
Posted by: VCESS on 10/04/15
When my daughter was very small, the Poppin' Fresh Doughboy would be poked and giggle and my daughter being the literal soul she is, even at that tender age, would fly at me and poke me in the belly and collapse with giggles. I still see, feel, and hear that giggle...silly commercials. My Granny was fond of reminding me of the first time I embarrassed her...singing beer commercials during the Sunday sermon...I wasn't through singing. I shudder when I think of what my grandchildren will remember fondly. Blech.
Posted by: VCESS on 10/04/15
i owe her some fabric but got sick and went into renal failure again. i just got out of the nursing home last friday. so what i need to know from marlene is do you still need the fabric i promised to get for you? if so what size and count do you need. please let me know sorry it took so long ROBIN
Posted by: robin lee on 10/04/15
Somewhere in the dark recesses, I have both Marlene's email address and her mailing address, if you need to contacr her directly. I would, of course, suggest trying her email first, if you want to reach her faster...
Posted by: Su Pitt on 10/05/15
my email address is misfittwoday@yahoo.com if you could email me her email address that would be great ROBIN
Posted by: robin lee on 10/05/15
Have you noticed that the side effects of the prescription that is in the commercial are worse than the actual problem the prescription is suppose to help? I just saw one on a new "sleeping aid" for people who have insomnia. Two of the side effects were, "thoughts of suicide" and "death". To me, Death isn't a side effect, it's a major effect....

As for HAPPY commercials, I'll bet eveyone old enough can remember the "Oscar Meyer" song........
Posted by: Bermuda on 10/05/15