how can i find only stamped patterns on cloth?
ok , i have had a blast with my mom trying to figure out what is cloth or
net because she want touch anything but cloth but i am 2 hours into
this and i still don`t know the lingo because i don't cross stitch but love the seens
and can see why mom loves it BUT JUST ON STAMPED CLOTH. so please releave me of this trial
and tell me.. i will be so grateful
Posted by: Delanawhit on 09/12/17
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If you go to the home page on this site, there is a section that is labeled stamped projects. I believe you could find something there that she would enjoy.
Posted by: nita7 on 09/12/17

Hopefully this information will help you :) If you're looking just for stamped products, click on the heading at the top that says Products and then scroll down to "Stamped Projects." That area of our website will have just our stamped products listed. However, if you are just searching the website or looking for something specific, make sure to look at the "Product Type" that is listed to the right of the picture of the item. The product type will let you know what the actual product is and below are the categories and an explanation about them...

Product Type: Cross Stitch Patterns - means it's just a counted cross stitch design and the supplies will have to be purchased separately for it. Sometimes, the supplies are listed in the Supply list right underneath the picture of the pattern. So, if you choose, you can purchase the floss and the fabric for the design all at the same time. Or you can purchase just the floss colors that you need based on your stash at home.

Product Type: Cross Stitch Kit - means it's a counted cross stitch kit that comes with everything you will need to stitch that design. The name of the manufacturer for the kit will be given as well, such as Dimensions, Janlynn and Riolis.

Product Type: Stamped Cross Stitch Kit - means it's a stamped cross stitch kit and the fabric has the design already stamped on it. The floss will also be included since it’s a kit.

Product Type: Stamped Stitchable - means it's an item where the fabric has the design stamped on it but the supplies such as the floss and needles, etc...Will have to be purchased separately. This item isn’t a kit and you are just purchasing the fabric that has the design stamped onto it.

Product Type: Stitchable Items – means that these are items that you can actually stitch on. So these items will consist of bibs, towels, bookmarks, tote bags, etc… Designs and floss will have to be purchased separately for these.

Hope this helps! Please feel free to post on here with any questions or email us!

~Kristi @ ECS
Posted by: Kristi @ ECS on 09/12/17