Missing pattern
Hello, I am looking for help please. I purchased a tree skirt pattern off eBay for my grandmother from a person who guaranteed a full kit. Upon arrival she found the color pattern was actually cut out from the pattern and cannot even begin to stitch without it. She is a veteran stitcher and it saddens me I spent a larger amount to give her something she enjoys as a hobby. It is the needle treasure ornament tree skirt patter. Is there anyone than can help me with the color padding coding? The seller has been very negative and doesn't want to take responsibility for their negligence. We have all the strings and format, but don't know what color to match to symbol. Please help
Posted by: kstrahl82 on 02/18/16
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The very first thing you should do is contact E-bay and explain to them what you have had happen to you In regards to this merchandise. E-bay can assist you in working with the seller. That is why e-bay has a customer service section.
I am not an employee of Everything Cross stitch but one of the stitchers that visit this messageboard.
Posted by: Bermuda on 02/18/16
Did you use PayPal? They will assist you in getting a refund.
Posted by: NANCYE G on 02/19/16