Another Migration......
Well, this ‘migration’ took a little over 14 hours of driving.
Highlights of our trip:
1) Did you know that Wendy’s Restaurant and many of the
McDonald Convenience stores/gas stations clean
their‘women’s bathrooms at 4:30 a.m. in the morning?
Do you care?
Only if you have to go at 4:30 a.m. Now the question
most of you would ask yourselves is, “How would
Bermuda know this about BOTH places?’ The answer is
because We stopped at a McDonald’s but it was closed
so I went into the convenience store next store to use
the bathroom and the woman cleaning it said, “It’s
closed for cleaning.”
The cashier reassured me that the bathroom
would be available ‘in a few minutes’.... 15 minutes
later... it was still closed....ooookaay... Ms. Bladder-my
constant companion - who has gone through the turmoil
of my aging process, reassured me with her slight
pressure that there was no immediate need at this point;
I explained to DH the situation so we continued on with
our migration while keeping a lookout for someplace
open and 30 minutes later, glory be!! We found a Wendy’s
Brightly lit and OPEN. DH went into the Men’s bathroom
and I the Women’s bathroom NOT!!!! The sign
on the door said, ‘women’s bathroom “Closed for Cleaning.” DH came out and asked me if I was feeling better and I dragged him over to the Woman’s Bathroom door and pointed at the sign. By this time Ms. Bladder and me- pardon the pun- were “feeling PO’d”. it took another 15 minutes before we finally found an OPEN woman’s bathroom and Ms. Bladder and I found relief...
2) Did you know that a Hardy’s restaurant somewhere in
North Carolina offers a egg/cheese/ham ‘breakfast
sandwich’ at 5:30 a.m. and doesn’t think it should be
Heated? 10 miles down the road, we reached in the bag
and discovered this....
3) somebody is playing tricks with the ‘left lane closed’
signs on I-77..... we stayed in the right lane, inching
forward for 20 minutes in backed-up traffic and the Orange-white barrels blocking off the left lane with the huge electric arrow pointing to the right lane and were in awe that there wasn’t any construction- no trucks, no machines, no workers, no broken up cement, no newly laid asphalt... ONLY the signs and the flashing arrow.
4) We stopped to get gas and the cloud above the gas
station dumped a torrent of rain before we could get
From the gas pump to the station.... both of us
soaked....5 minutes after we left, the rain stopped and
Sun came out...we had 5 more incidents of these rain
storm ‘pockets’ before we got to our final destination.
Well, we are up North again, more or less in one piece...
Posted by: Bermuda on 07/16/18
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I just love reading about your "adventures".
Posted by: surt8511 on 07/16/18
Sounds like an interesting day.

Ms. Bladder is also my constant companion. We would have used the first available men's restroom.
Posted by: MarzHere on 07/16/18
After the fifteen minutes, I would have used the first available aisle. 😊
Posted by: VCESS on 07/16/18
I was tempted Marzhare.... VCESS, I could claim the ‘puddle’ in the aisle was from me dropping my 24 ounce container of lemonade....?
Thanks does become an adventure...usually when I’m not expecting it... at least this latest episode wasn’t as painful as when I caught my hair on fire....or when I got industrial strength glue in my hair....:)
Posted by: Bermuda on 07/16/18
I was going to try to write something funny but my fun is just not there. I am just happy that you both made the trip safely.At least you got to see rain. I would be happy just to hear thunder. Take care. Pam
Posted by: pamelastine11 on 07/16/18
Welcome back! I got caught in one of those sudden downpours too, but I was in my driveway, talking to a neighbor.
Posted by: Jaj on 07/17/18
Cleanup in aisle 3!
Posted by: 113kevans on 07/17/18
I'm with Marz - I have used the men's room many times - especially at 4:30 in the morning there probably isn't that much of a call for that room. It is fun to see the guys faces when I come out of "their" room. They get all red in the face and step back and look at the sign to see if they have the wrong door. I love playing with their minds especially when I will never see them again. Glad to have you back north Bermuda.
Posted by: clpatt123 on 07/17/18
one of the fun things I have found out is to check if the sink is one of the new ones that come on automatic. don't like to put my purse on the dirty floor so I always put it in the sink...well one trip got my purse wet and water in it before I grabbed it out. now I pull down the baby changing table and use that. purses are to costly to put on the floor.
Posted by: susieq on 07/17/18
Susieq- especially if your purse is made out of leather. Get it wet and you’ll end up with a smaller purse.
LOL!! Aisle 3 .... bring the bigger bucket and the larger mop!
Posted by: Bermuda on 07/17/18