Is this kit counted or stamped cross stitch? Thanks!
I can't tell from the pics and description if this is counted or stamped... If it's counted, then "count me in"! ha, ha. If it's stamped, then "stamp it out"! Anybody know w/r to this kit? Thanks in advance! :)

BTW - I did several smallish (4x5"ish to 5x7"ish) stamped projects when getting back into cross stitch, and a couple of larger ones - the small ones were fine, but the largest one (12x14"ish) is still not completed, though there's very little left to do, because it has made a HATER of stamped cross stitch out of me... ugh. It's currently the sole inhabitant of my "gotta finish it, or burn it" pile...! That's how much I hate it. :(

Anybody willing to voice your opinion - What say you re. stamped cross stitch? :)
Posted by: Kerry on 08/12/18
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It’s counted, and adorable! I’ve never done anything stamped, I just think I wouldn’t like it, so I’ve never tried it!
Posted by: Jaj on 08/12/18
Hi Kerry,
I started with stamped projects when I was much younger but wasn’t satisfied with the results ie. My X’s were different sizes even while trying to follow the blue lines. UGH!
Then about 25 years ago I saw my neighbor doing a counted cross Stitch project and that began my love for this art-form; begain learning on 14-count aida and now usually do projects using 25, 28 or 32 count fabrics.
I’m just guessing but the pattern looks like counted cross Stitch to me.
Posted by: Bermuda on 08/12/18
Hi Kerry guess we will counting you in. All stamped projects are under the stamped tab. This one is a counted kit. And looks like fun. BTW can take or leave stamped. Have done a few pillow cases but that is all.
Posted by: 113kevans on 08/12/18
Thanks, all! It looked like counted, but just wasn't sure. I should've thought to look under the "Counted" projects tab...! (Great idea, 123kevans!) Count me in! :)

Bermuda - YES!!! All the X's come out different sizes!!! Or, one "leg" is longer than another, so the X looks lopsided... That's the biggest thing I hate about it. Ugh! As I'd worked on that last one, the biggest one, for so long, I did finally figure out a way to minimize that, but I couldn't tell you what it was that I did differently as I haven't worked on it in a while... Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe it was that I started ignoring the exact shape of the printed X's - so, I went by their placement, but the exact spots I'd come up and gone down through the fabric depended on how the fabric threads parted, and not on the printing. I think that was what I'd done differently... Anyway, the other thing I really hate is that the X's are printed - most are inside the figures' outlines, but some cross over and are partially outside them...! And if the printing is permanent, then you have to cover up whatever's outside the outlines...! If not by your stitched X's, then by your backstitching around the figures..., or some other type of stitching fudging... So, the figures come out kinda messy, IMHO. Just count me as a "NO" for all of that noise. :)

You all have a great rest of your weekend!
Posted by: Kerry on 08/12/18