Aida 2-ply 22-count
The cross stitch I am planning to make is 22.73" x 17.05" just for the picture itself. I am wanting at least 3 inches added to each (so 26x20 inches). Are you able to ship such a size for Aida cloth?
Posted by: EmilyWagner on 11/05/18
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We don't sell custom cuts of fabric. We only cut to certain sizes and they are listed on the fabric page. Find what fabric you are wanting and select the color and the sizes we cut to will show on the right side in a box. You will probably have to order up and then cut the piece down to your specific size when you get it. So for the 22ct. Hardanger, you would need to order 1 yard (36") x 21" and then cut it down to your custom size. Hope this information helps! Thanks.

~Kristi @ ECS
Posted by: Kristi @ ECS on 11/05/18