Thanks again everyone
I want to answer messages and make some posts, but bad weather is moving in and the internet comes and goes. Too many trees and ridges interfere.
I am excited and touched by the welcome from the wonderful sisterhood of stitchers I have found here. I will definitely keep stitching, just doing little WIP now, not the beautiful projects I am seeing on the other posts. Must go while I still have internet. Lucky if I get a bar.
Sounds like some of my new friends live in the country or mountains, so you know what I mean. Good night to all. Bless you for caring (I'm very emotional, sorry).

Posted by: Annie002 on 01/15/19
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Glad to make a new friend today. Sue.
Posted by: surt8511 on 01/15/19
Welcome to the chat! I know the feeling you are describing. We moved from town to a 5 acre country place over a year ago and it has been a huge adjustment for me after living 5 minutes from the local grocery store for 20 years, now on a good day it is 20 minutes, 45 minutes to the nearest big city for anything such as floss, shoes, or clothes, on roads that wind through the mountains. DH took to the place like a duck to water, but he is a hunter and loves wild life. I had a much harder time adjusting since I don't like driving especially in winter and at night but my job requires it. ECS has been a god send. Our internet can be a bit sketchy too. I hope you enjoy the site as much as the rest of us. 😀
Posted by: Nettie on 01/15/19
Welcome! My oldest daughter has the same name that you have! Actually, named Anne Elizabeth, but always called Annie!
Neither of my two girls stitch. I love this chat group and enjoy talking to prop!e from all over the world. It is great that we are all so in love with a hobby that is centuries old!
Posted by: Su Pitt on 01/15/19
Annie that is how I started with little projects like making Christmas cards for family members. My next projects was Riolis kits which I found easy and they were all full stitches. I and am moving up to a bigger project now (still all full stitches) but has 48000. stitches. Little baby steps and work your way up to the bigger projects. Have a good day! Crusin(Pam)
Posted by: crusin60 on 01/16/19
Big project or small projects - you're still stitching and that's what counts - pun intended. LOL
Posted by: judy.boatman on 01/17/19
Hi Annie, awful if you loose your internet signal. Welcome to our exclusive little group. It’s fun. I don’t know if saying we’re a 'little' group is quite right. I’ve no idea how many we are.
Posted by: MaryJoDenmark on 01/17/19