Power up your wishlists
I spy with my little eye 30 pages of new patterns were added yesterday/today. Some are stunning.
Posted by: Le-Anne on 03/26/19
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Some of the new patterns are so dark.
Posted by: maubennett on 03/26/19
I agree. The first 20 pages or so seem to be that colonial painting style of art that isn't for me. Later on there seem to be some that look like photos. There's an American flag that looks so realistic. These are all out of my wheelhouse though I generally stick to smaller patterns. I stitch so slow; my time is rarely my own. I like to do things like Bobbie G, Stoneycreek and Imaginating designs. One day I might try an Artecy. Dare to dream.😀
Posted by: Le-Anne on 03/26/19
This looks like a new (newer) company. Never heard of x squared cross stitch before. You are right about some of the darker ones - not my taste either. I haven't gone through all, but did see some I like. As if the 300 projects I already have to do aren't enough!
Posted by: jmirz on 03/26/19
UH-OH! Sound like Kristi will be very busy trying to get all the supply list entered
Posted by: NANCYE G on 03/26/19
Yes and some of Artecy patterns are just up my alley and will make it on to the wish list. Sigh!!!! So many patterns, so little time!!
Posted by: deirdre on 03/26/19
Just looked at the new pattern section again and guess what?? There are two pages of new patterns from various designers that are bright and cheerful - just waiting for someone to stitch them. The wish list is going to take a hammering again methinks!!
Posted by: deirdre on 03/28/19
I really enjoy checking out the new designers even if some of them don't suit my tastes. I like to "window shop". Thanks for the head up Deidre I had one of those days and this is exactly the retail therapy I need.
Posted by: Le-Anne on 03/28/19