Floss organization
Am planning to bobbinate all my skeins and store them in this chest of drawers.The drawers have provision for dividers, so DH is painstakingly cutting them from matte boerd❤️ . Am I nuts to do this?
Posted by: murillome on 04/25/19
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Looks like a good system for your floss. Probably cheaper, then the flat boxes with dividers. Whatever work for you, I say is good!
Posted by: jmirz on 04/25/19
What a good husband!
Posted by: maubennett on 04/25/19
I love it when DHs are involved in our hobby! Mine praises my work, he will wind my bobbins, but he's not so much in to construction!

I have one of these chest of drawers and have had it for over 6 months and still have not filled them. I use the boxes, all 8 of them and labeled it in the floss numbers (such as 300, 400, etc). The 300s could use 2 boxes by themselves, there are so many of them as well as the 3000s. My goal is to have at least 2 of each color instead of 6 or 7 of one color, which takes up too much room! I'm trying to go into my stash and use it up.

Do you think there's a shelf life on floss? I think it gets weaker with time - your thoughts. I just may be imaging this.
Posted by: jclifford1 on 04/25/19
I have the same thing---now all I need to do is fill it😊
Posted by: crusin60 on 04/25/19
Yes! You're NUTS! But in a good way. 😃. I wouldn't bobbinate if it became law! I use labeled sandwich bags...3" rings for projects, stored by number and brand in a large container. Bobbinating would give me hives! And spontaneously induce hydrophobic symptoms in a spouse... 😊. Sometimes it's better not to ask questions like this...you get answers from people nuttier than you! 😊
Posted by: VCESS on 04/25/19
Looks like a good system to me. Labeling the drawer would be my concern though (wouldn't want to 'stick' sticker on it, as you may need to shuffle floss # from one drawer to another.)

I'd put a 'holder' of some type on the front of each drawer. Then make cards to slide in. That way, I could make new cards as the floss inside each drawer changed. Maybe something like this, https://www.uline.com/Product/Detail/S-7696/Vinyl-Envelopes-Job-Ticket-Holders/Press-On-Vinyl-Envelopes-3-1-2-x-2?pricode=WB0207&gadtype=pla&id=S-7696&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqe7RrL7r4QIVA7bICh1ovQrnEAQYASABEgJGZ_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Posted by: MarzHere on 04/25/19
I don’t think your nuts. I’m a bobbinator myself so it makes perfect sense what you’re doing! What a wonderful person your DH is to take the time to help you organize your floss stash!
Oh and since you asked....I have had flosses for years and I don’t think they get weaker....but I DO think that flosses can get worn out faster by the BRAND of stitching NEEDLES used related to the roughness/smoothness inside the ‘eye’ of the needle. Sorry DMC, but your needles can’t compare to Bohin needles regarding quality ie. not bending, breaking near ‘eye’ of needle, nor weakening floss strands that move against the interior metal ‘eye’ area.
Posted by: Bermuda on 04/25/19
I defend all of your rights to bobbinate, but she ASKED! 😊
Posted by: VCESS on 04/25/19
I never bobbinate until I need to. That is what works for me. The exception to my rule is - if I am starting something new project and realize that I might need a couple skeins of a particular color that aren't already wound; I might do a few, but , not many.
Posted by: NANCYE G on 04/25/19
Oooooooooooh I like that. If I had the room I would get that and do what you're doing. My plan was to organize my floss after Christmas but life had other plans for me. My shoulder is slowly getting better and I'm able to do more but now is sale prep time and I've got a lot to do.
Posted by: judy.boatman on 04/25/19