I live in St Louis County. We are under a "high"tornado warning alert. The winds are high and blowing on our trees. We are expecting the "worse" will be overhead in about 15 or 20 minutes.

The news reports interrupted Jeopardy. It is on at 4:30 PM here. The station must have had a whole lot of calls complaining. about that . The weather man said that they were going to switch back to regular programming; try not interrupted Jeopardy; only making announcements during intermission. After all there are other stations to watch the weather people repeat themselves over and over. Yep!

Yes, I know, James won again.

Suddenly very dark. I'm turning off the computer and heading downstairs.

The airport just announced they were closing down!
Posted by: NANCYE G on 05/21/19
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STAY SAFE! Sending prayers your way.
Posted by: Jaj on 05/21/19
Nancye G.
Please let us know you are safe when you can.....until then, prayers for your safety.
Posted by: Bermuda on 05/21/19
Yes, got in the door and sirens went off.I wish they would let us know when it is safe. I just went by the mile marker call outs! Now the sun is shining!
Posted by: maryann8121 on 05/21/19
Hope you are ok! I'm in a campground about 10 miles west of Mountain Home, Arkansas and have been checking the weather since 10 AM. I've seen reports from Oklahoma and Springfield, MO and they also have flooding. This weather is unbelievable! I'm a full time RV'er originally from Pennsylvania. We never had tornados when we lived there but there have been some the last few years. This weather scares the heck out of me!! Do you have a basement in your house or some kind of shelter? I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Please let us know what happens.
Posted by: micolochick on 05/21/19
Tornadoes are bad because.the weather gets really nasty in the front of the storm then, and here’s the kicker, the weather clears because people think the storm is gone, when in reality they are in the ‘eye’ of the tornado. People get caught when the ‘back wall’ of the tornado hits. We used to live in ‘tornado alley’, now we have to watch out for hurricanes....
Posted by: Bermuda on 05/21/19
Ours is heading north so Oklahoma is okay from our tornado unless it is another coming from the south. Little worried about St. Louis and that area. Be safe everyone.
Posted by: maryann8121 on 05/21/19
Oh keep safe everyone and hope nothing serious happens. Prayers and best wishes to you all.
Posted by: deirdre on 05/21/19
Stay safe and let us know if you are alright.
Posted by: angela.haynes36 on 05/21/19
Hope everyone escaped unscathed! When they close the airport or deploy the planes away from an air base, it's time to hit your hidey-hole! If you don't have a hole, I hope you remembered your helmet!
Eye of tornado? I've been in tornado alley all my life...First time I've heard that! 😊
Posted by: VCESS on 05/21/19
Yep, that ‘eye’ has caused many injuries and deaths because people got fooled: hurricanes, same way.
DH and I have been through two and what I call the ‘back wall” of the Hurricane was worse than the leading ‘front edge’. The last hurricane flooded so much of North Carolina and did so much damage and deaths, it was very difficult to come back from it.
The hurricane that happened about 3-4 years ago and was only 20 miles east of us, snapped 80 foot trees like matchsticks halfway up the trunks and/or pulled them out of the ground. The hurricane was so bad it took the sand beaches, piers out to sea. Myrtle Beach had to pump tons of sand back onto the beaches and replant the ‘sea oats’
( prevent beach erosion) along miles of beach. We couldn’t leave our homes for 2 days to let ‘first responders’
have access to clear the main roads.
Posted by: Bermuda on 05/21/19