WHAT THE HAY!!!! An ‘itchy’ issue. ( a non- stitching issue)
Is there some sort of mite or SOMETHING that ‘hangs out’ in South Carolina? After all the rain we’ve had in the last 1 1/2 weeks, I recently started getting ‘bit’ on my arms, ankles and it’s driving me bonkers!! Our home is clean and well maintained inside and out.
The problem seems to have started when I went out in the garden, our lawn is a little high, about 4 days ago and I can NOT see any bugs biting me but I get a red itchy spot here, then there. .then another area...UUGGHHH!
Could it be the infamous ‘jiggers?’ DH is NOT having any problems and he’s out there walking around with shorts on!!
Thank Heavens I have a doctor’s appointment this Tuesday!! I should be a real bitten up mess by the time I get there!
Posted by: Bermuda on 06/15/19
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Bermuda, in these here parts of the States, we call them "chiggers" and they are small red itchy spot. If I am not wrong, they are baby ticks. Just slap some bacon grease on them like my Maw Maw used to do. They do itch like crazy and honestly, the bacon grease works. Just don't get around dogs or bears. They can smell that bacon a mile away! Pam
Posted by: pamelastine11 on 06/15/19
Great....this has been quite a year....
First, finding Mr. Snake in the garden this past Spring, then almost get murdered by my palm tree, now being a
‘Happy Meal’ for a bunch of bugs.....”Calgon.. and Cortisone and Bacon Grease, take me away!”.....
Posted by: Bermuda on 06/15/19
The bacon is cooking.....
...maybe I should fry up some eggs ( after I save the bacon grease) and burn up some toast, have breakfast 12 hours ahead of time.🥴
Posted by: Bermuda on 06/15/19
I always thought it was clear nail polish...the cheaper, the better... I'm usually the happy meal in a group...it ain't no fun! 😠
Posted by: VCESS on 06/15/19
Not saying it's the same thing, but some springs/falls we have oak mites here (Kansas City). They fall from the trees. The problem is they are not visible to the eye so you don't know they're on you. They initially look like mosquito bites but get red centers and itch like the dickens for about a week. I've actually had infections from scratching them.
Posted by: CarlaJ on 06/15/19
Chiggers look like little red dots, they are horrible and itchy. There are also what we used to call no- see-ums which my Uncle on a visit accurately described as teeth with wings.I think they are some sort of bitey gnat. I actually have a grass allergy if it gets a little high and too close to my ankles an itchy rash like you describe appears.Good luck and feel better. Oh and Vcess is right we used to paint the chiggers with clear nail polish. Helps a ton.
Posted by: Le-Anne on 06/15/19
Thanks for the added info regarding clear nail polish to use on the bites. I’m sitting here in an aura of comfort smelling like a bacon sandwich. With your added advice I’m wondering,......hmmmm..........It doesn’t have to be clear nail polish does it? I mean ANY COLOR nail polish will work won’t it? I have 2 bites close to one another on the side of my ankle, so maybe I’ll paint those ruby red and make a circle face with ‘cotton candy’ nail polish for the face-paint some lines of ‘passion purple’ for hair.....
Why not add some ‘highlights’ to my ‘chigger’ bites?
Posted by: Bermuda on 06/15/19
Pearlized would definitely be a highlight... 😅
Posted by: VCESS on 06/15/19
Clear nail polish will lessen the itchiness -- supposedly the trick it to seal it so that air can't get to it. Vaseline or other gels/ointments will eventually wipe or rinse away but the nail polish will stay put until you scrape it away after a couple of days.

Many years ago I learned in biology or science class that insects (mosquitoes, chiggers, bees, and all) are attracted or repelled by scents and chemicals including soap or shampoo fragrance, deodorant, hair spray, sweat, and just our own natural 'scent' which we usually can't detect at all. Maybe you and I are just especially tasty-smelling to certain insects. Mosquitoes just about eat me alive but pretty much leave my husband untouched on their way to my arms and legs!
Posted by: MaryC on 06/16/19
Before you lose it totally, get an insect repellant that contains a chemical abbreviated as DEET! My DH made me take it with me to a corporate meeting in Savannah, after he learned that it included a paddle boat on the river to the fort that tried to protect the city from being overrun by the North in the Civil War. I started getting bit as we pulled out into the river, pulled out the DEET, offered it to others. We had used it so often in Belize that DH and I called it "Eau de DEET"!
Nobody wanted it, but 10 minutes later, even the corporate big-wigs were asking for it! Apply to ankles and legs! It does have its own unique odeur but can be washed off with soap and water! DH and I even left a bottle with our Belizean guides, who begged for it! No-see-ums are naughty!
Posted by: Su Pitt on 06/16/19