Question for Customer Service
What does this say? It is impossible to read from the thumbnail picture, the item picture, or the enlarged item picture. Have mercy on our eyesight! Please.
Posted by: Su Pitt on 07/25/15
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Su Pitt,
The verse says:

Peace (on left upper corner) "When things are investigated,
then true knowledge is achieved;
When true knowledge is achieved,
the will becomes sincere;
When the will becomes sincere,
then the heart is set right;
When the heart is set right,
then the personal life is cultivated;
When the personal life is cultivated,
then the family life is regulated;
When the family life is regulated,
then the national life is orderly;
And when the national life is orderly,
Then there is peace in the world.

Posted by: Bermuda on 07/25/15
Holy mackeral, Bermuda! You have the patience of a saint to transcribe this long lomg saying for me! Thank you so much. I live Eastern philosophy.

Now, I can say that I can't read ANY of the MarNic Designs. Maybe ECS will take mercy on me and translate those, too. The designer must want to sell these, but if you can't read it, why buy it? There is one about being a bear and one about believe that are also unreadable. The bear one is long, too.
Posted by: Su Pitt on 07/25/15
Good Morning Su!
If you have the names of the patterns, I can try to read the words for you....
Posted by: Bermuda on 07/25/15