confetti tapistry cat
sooooo this pattern is nothing but confetti, confetti and more but simply beautiful. never did a full confetti before and am lost on how to stitch it with two strands how to start and end since I will be changing colors every few stitches. No parking please. I intend to go from left to right not taking each too very far before changing. Thanks for any suggestions.
Posted by: haaymom2 on 02/09/19
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With a pattern that has confetti - whether It is a new pattern or even one I’ve already started stitching - I use the following methods:
1) In deciding what area on the pattern I intend to stitch,
I visually look over the area ie. 2-3 10 x10 ‘grid’ areas
and choose the floss symbol that has the most of that
symbol and stitch those First in those grid areas. Once
those are completely stitched, I find the next floss
symbol that is the largest in number in those same
grids and completely stitch those next. As I get down to
the few squares of one color left,, I mark those squares
with pink highlighter on my ‘Working’ copy of the pattern
so I know where they are located;
( in doing a 28-count pattern and stitching ‘ 1 over1’
those few ‘confetti’ squares can easily get missed from
The already stitched areas); BUT there is enough
stitches already completed for me to ‘travel’ the floss
Under those stitches to get to those few ‘confetti’
stitches without cutting the thread but:
A) I don’t ‘travel’ the thread under more than 5-6
B) I ‘travel’ my thread under completed stitches that
are a DARKER floss color than the floss color I’m
stitching with if at all possible; my rationale being
That the lighter floss color is not going to show
through the darker floss already stitched.
2). I always ‘carry over’ a few stitches horizontally and
vertically into the next 10 x 10 squares to prevent
what I call ‘ridge lines’” - whether it is a ‘ regular’
pattern or a pattern with lots of ‘confetti’.
Some stitchers do not see these ‘ridge lines’ but
unfortunately, I was a witness to
a woman bringing in a large (approximately 20 inches
wide x 25 inches high) completed cross stitch project
for framing. And she had stitched each10 x 10 square
Completely before moving on to the next 10 x
10 square I the pattern. The Counted cross stitch
Shop owner told me, “ I’ll try my best to stretch them
out while I’m framing it, but they won’t ever come out
Completely.” The cross stitch shop owner traced the
‘Blocks’ with her finger that I could visually see myself
While standing about 18 -24 inches away from the
completed stitched project. I’ve spoken of this a few
Times before, probably to the ‘here we go again with
This story” but it made such an impact On seeing all
That stitcher’s time and hard work on her large project
Being so greatly impacted by NOT taking a few extra
moments to stitching a few stitches here and there
beyond the pattern’s 10 x 10 “Grid lines”.

These are just suggestions; no ‘hard’ rules, no cross stitching “police” that come knocking on your door. :)

Posted by: Bermuda on 02/09/19
Thanks for explaining all that Bermuda. So glad you are back. You have the best tips. Plus you are such a good writer. 😀😀😀
Posted by: surt8511 on 02/09/19
Thank you everyone for the nice comments related to my occasional wit......and....reading about ‘ridge lines’ AGAIN ...WHICH I’ll try to limit how often I ‘Babble’ on about it to the point it becomes, for search of a better word, “el nauseaumm”.
Posted by: Bermuda on 02/09/19
I agree with you, Bermuda, and I pretty much use the same system you do. I tried doing just one 10 stitch space at a time, and on a stiffer material, I did see a ridge. On a softer material, I didn't see a ridge so much. But, like you, I usually try to work one color at a time, and run my thread under stitches. The confetti gets very tiring. I can't wait to get another page done on the Fractal I am working on. There is so much confetti on it. I need a break!
Posted by: djhmom55 on 02/10/19
Bermuda some of us who are new at this love all the information we can get!
Posted by: crusin60 on 02/10/19
I am currently working a project that has quite a few confetti stitches. When I first started it was frustrating because of the beginnings and endings and the back was getting thick. I was looking for ways to do them a different way. I found a loop method to start and 'pinning' to end on you tube. It has really helped. I recommend practicing the pin method before jumping in with both feet. So I use the loop method all the time now and the pin only for confetti. I am a traveler as well and will go out about 6 squares away before starting up again. I also don't work little areas. I like to start with the lightest colors first in case I have to pin.
Posted by: mdstudey on 02/10/19
What is a confetti stitch? I've never heard of it. I don't believe I've ever seen a picture of it.
Sounds interesting to say the least.

Posted by: tphideaway on 02/10/19
Confetti is not a type of stitch. Confetti is single stitches of one color done amid many other single stitches of other colors. Like confetti. Sometimes they can be single stitches meant to suggest individual snow flakes, one here, one there. They can be a real pain to stitch. 😊
Posted by: susiebelle7 on 02/10/19
I, too, stitch my more confetti projects in much the same way as Bermuda. Bermuda, your explanation is spot on!!
Haaymom2, just remember there is no wrong way. It just takes a little trial and perseverance to find what works best for you.
Posted by: allieg61 on 02/11/19
Susiebelle7, thanks for your reply. I'm still confused and copied down (printed) Bermuda's instructions.
Let me ask this tho several people mentioned patterns with the confetti. How would someone, like me' know if
the pattern has confetti on it? Dah.
Am a member of an embroidery group, so next spring I'll be asking the girls if they've ever done a project with confetti.
Posted by: tphideaway on 02/11/19