Buckingham Guard Chubby Nutcracker a Cross Stitch Pattern by Sweetheart Tree, The

Mill Hill Petite #40557
Mill Hill Petite #40123
Specialty Stitches:
Cross Stitch, 1/4 Stitch, Backstitch, Rhodes Heart, Specialty Bead Attachment
Specialty Fibers:
Wisper #W-99
#002P Balger Gold Cable
DMC List:
DMC Blanc, 310, 500, 503, 676, 739, 754, 816
Last Chance Items:

Project Specifications:

Stitch Count
48w x 76h
Project Size
3" x 4.8" on 32cnt (over 2)
DMC Floss, Wisper Thread, Mill Hill Beads, Balger Gold Cable
32 or 35 Count Natural Unbleached "Dirty" Linen
Included Charms:
Ruby "Chubby" Beads (2)
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