Tropical Storm Ophelia
I just read the post-tropical storm Ophelia is headed toward Ireland. I know some of the people on this chat are from across the waters. Just wanted to extend a special take care message to all of you. Prayers and good thoughts are with you. Stay safe!
Posted by: ladyj117 on 10/16/17
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Safe safe. I think this is the first time I have heard of a hurricane in Ireland.
Posted by: surt8511 on 10/16/17
I know Surt, me too. They have the entire country on alert.
Posted by: ladyj117 on 10/16/17
The Weather Channel seems to be branching out...I'm sure there has been weather in Ireland before this! They follow bad weather, bad news anywhere these days...
Posted by: VCESS on 10/16/17
That's so true VCESS. With social media, we hear of things that happen everywhere! I always thought crime and weather were never as bad back in my childhood days. Now I think that it could just be becuase we didn't hear of it as much. News wasn't on constanly just at dinnertime and bedtime and maybe mornings. Now with CNN, Fox News, MSNBC etc., we get news 24, seven. The good and the bad. We get inundated with it constantly! We can see wars taking place right on our TV screens in real time. Not sure that is necessary at all but its the world we live in these days.
Posted by: ladyj117 on 10/16/17
The last "storm with hurricane winds" in Ireland was in 1961! I was just curious. Wouldn't you know? That was my first year without "The Weekly Reader" first year of Junior High...I read Ann Landers, the funnies, movie listings, and baseball scores in the daily paper. The front page was only there to keep the rest of the paper dry. I had just discovered Kennedy and Lodge on the news...reading about them. BORING! :)
Posted by: VCESS on 10/16/17
I think the National Weather Service has, by their early warning system, save thousands of lives. It has tried to tell us that hurricanes occur when the cold of the storm at sea meets the warmth of the land. And, I'm guessing that even the northern countries meeting water from the Atlantic and the Arctic oceans, are considered warm!
Posted by: Su Pitt on 10/18/17
That it has, Su Pitt. Indeed!
Posted by: ladyj117 on 10/18/17