Social Pariah
So this week one person in my craft group decided even though I am off the antibiotic and almost done with the Tamiflu and tested negative for the flu they decided to not let me come this week. Everybody thinks just because I am around my parents I can give this whatever they have. I am feeling fine and was really looking forward to getting out today. Also hurt that nobody seems to want to be around me. My dad is a pastor and since this one person is making such a big deal about getting this he sent her a text that said "Let people know I am canceling church because I don't want to infect anyone." This person is also the one that booted me out this week. She is mad at mom because mom defended me. How long will I be a social pariah?
Posted by: carissalindsey30 on 01/17/19
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Not everybody is nice...this situation is due to that person, not you. Don't let their attitude bring you down (I know, easier said than done).
Posted by: MarzHere on 01/17/19
I suppose that your parents are the only people in your area with the flu. Nobody else has it or is likely to be infected.
I think that maybe this nasty person should shut herself in her house and not come out until the flue season is over. That way she will be safe. Diane
Posted by: transhop on 01/17/19
I agree totally with Marz and Diane. You are more than likely healthier because you have taken antibiotics, have taken Tamiflu, and tested negative. Some people are just jerks. Peace. Pam
Posted by: pamelastine11 on 01/17/19
People are stu-pid. Next time you go you should sit right next to her, and cough, a lot. Maybe even wipe you’re nose with your sleeve. Sheesh.
Posted by: Jaj on 01/17/19
I'll bet this person doesn't get flu shots (for some lame reason), and expects everyone else to protect her! Don't let her get you down😉
Posted by: MarshaR on 01/17/19
In her defense she was just diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer after a short remission from stage 1. I can see how she wouldn't want me around but to convince the entire group that I could give it was just plain wrong. If she had a problem with it she should have been the one not to come not me.
Posted by: carissalindsey30 on 01/17/19
Oh, man. What is her first name so I can add her to my prayer list. Pam
Posted by: pamelastine11 on 01/17/19
Deb is her name. Just found out she lied about me to everybody. Making it seem I was sicker than I was.
Posted by: carissalindsey30 on 01/17/19
Sometimes fear and stress make people behave badly. I'm sorry she hurt your feelings and I also feel badly for Deb. Seems like it was a lose/ lose situation.
Posted by: Le-Anne on 01/17/19
That is totally weird. I know she is scared. I also know she has targeted you for some reason. Maybe she stirs up trouble to mask how scared she really is. Like I said-totally weird. Pam
Posted by: pamelastine11 on 01/17/19